10 December 2023
JGEX 0.81
Today's blog entry is written in Hungarian.
Continue reading…
11 November 2023—Debut of GNU Aris in WebAssembly
30 August 2023—XaoS in WebAssembly
31 July 2023—Statistical Restoration Greek New Testament
16 April 2023—Tube amoeba
15 April 2023—Torus puzzle
19 September 2022—Stephen's defense speech
25 August 2022—A general visualization
23 August 2022—Long false positives
31 July 2022—Isaiah, a second summary
25 July 2022—Matthew, a summary
17 July 2022—On the Wuppertal Project, concerning Matthew
28 June 2022—Terminals on the web
7 April 2022—A summary
2 April 2022—Compiling Giac via MSYS2/CLANG32
30 March 2022—Isaiah: Part 7
23 March 2022—Isaiah: Part 6
15 March 2022—Isaiah: Part 5
7 March 2022—Isaiah: Part 4
2 March 2022—Isaiah: Part 3
26 February 2022—Isaiah: Part 2
19 February 2022—Isaiah: Part 1
15 February 2022—A classification of structure diagrams
12 February 2022—Supporting logic with technology: Part 2
7 February 2022—The Psalms: Part 2
6 February 2022—The Psalms
5 February 2022—A summary on the Romans
3 February 2022—Non-literal matches in the Romans: Part 2
2 February 2022—Non-literal matches: Jaccard distance
1 February 2022—Literal matches: the minunique and getrefs algorithms
31 January 2022—Literal matches: minimal uniquity and maximal extension
26 January 2022—Non-literal matches in the Romans
24 January 2022—Developing Giac with Qt Creator on Windows
23 January 2022—A student of Gamaliel's
20 January 2022—Reproducibility and imperfection
17 January 2022—Order in chaos
12 January 2022—Web version of bibref
2 November 2021—Supporting logic in function calculus
28 October 2021—Proving inequalities
27 October 2021—Discovering geometric inequalities
1 October 2021—Web version of Tarski
9 July 2021—Embedding realgeom in GeoGebra
26 January 2021—ApplyMap
25 January 2021—Comparison improvements
29 December 2020—Pete-Dőtsch theorem
18 November 2020—Ellipsograph of Archimedes as a simple LEGO construction
17 November 2020—Offsets of a trifolium
11 November 2020—Explore envelopes easily!
31 October 2020—Points attached to an algebraic curve…
19 October 2020—Detection of perpendicular lines…
6 October 2020—Better language support…
29 September 2020—A new GeoGebra version with better angle bisectors…
28 September 2020—I restart my blog…
…newest entry (as of 8 March 2025)
See also a filtered list of the entries on topics
technical developments
internal references in the Bible
Zoltán Kovács
Linz School of Education
Johannes Kepler University
Altenberger Strasse 69
A-4040 Linz