Entries on topic
technical developments
Embedding realgeom in GeoGebra (9 July 2021)
Web version of Tarski (1 October 2021)
Developing Giac with Qt Creator on Windows (24 January 2022)
Compiling Giac via MSYS2/CLANG32 (2 April 2022)
Terminals on the web (28 June 2022)
Torus puzzle (15 April 2023)
Tube amoeba (16 April 2023)
XaoS in WebAssembly (30 August 2023)
Debut of GNU Aris in WebAssembly (11 November 2023)
JGEX 0.81 (in Hungarian) (10 December 2023)
xaos.app (2 January 2024)
Compiling and running bibref-qt on Wine (22 August 2024)
Treasure of Count Goldenwald (6 January 2025)
Developing C++ code for desktop and web with cmake (7 March 2025)
Statement analysis in bibref (8 March 2025)
Zoltán Kovács
Linz School of Education
Johannes Kepler University
Altenberger Strasse 69
A-4040 Linz