25 July 2022

Matthew, a summary

The latest blog entry gave a comparison between the research of the Wuppertal project and my work concerning the Gospel of Matthew. Here I give some further summary that is based only on my work, after some updates by the help of the Wuppertal project.

Also, this entry is a kind of technological update on exploiting some nice features of the jquery.terminal library that offers an advanced terminal for website embedding.

I created a table on the quotations appearing in Matthew. The rows show all quotations (47 items). Thirty-one of them can be automatically found with the getrefs algorithm. By clicking on a blue link, the bibref program shows how the getrefs algorithm finds all possible matches.

Also, the terminal can be directly used via the keyboard. For example, commands like lookup KJV Isaiah 7:14 or lookup LXX Isaiah 7:14 or lookup SBLGNT Matthew 1:23 could be issued. A new feature in this version that a new edition of the New Testament is available: the BHPGNT. That is, a similar command lookup BHPGNT Matthew 1:23 works too.

No. Matthew passage OT passage getrefs chunks
1 1:23 1:23-34 LXX Isaiah 7:14+35 7:14 2
2 2:6 2:6-55 LXX Micah 5:2 5:2-79 2
3 2:6+88 2:6 LXX II Samuel 5:2+95 5:2-33 0
4 2:15+77 2:15-9 LXX Hosea 11:1+38 11:1-11 0
5 2:18 LXX Jeremiah 31:15+16 31:15 2
6 3:3+48 3:3-5 LXX Isaiah 40:3 40:3-11 1
7 4:4+27 4:4 LXX Deuteronomy 8:3+92 8:3-16 2
8 4:6+54 4:6 LXX Psalms 91:11 91:12 2
9 4:7+28 4:7 LXX Deuteronomy 6:16 6:16-33 1
10 4:10+43 4:10 LXX Deuteronomy 6:13 6:13-41 0
11 4:15+2 4:16-15 LXX Isaiah 9:1+71 9:2-12 4
12 5:21+29 5:21-31 LXX Exodus 20:13 20:13 0
13 5:27+17 5:27 LXX Exodus 20:14 20:14 0
14 5:31+34 5:31 LXX Deuteronomy 24:1+117 24:1-52 0
15 5:38+17 5:38 LXX Exodus 21:24 21:24-28 0
16 5:43+17 5:43-23 LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-22 1
17 8:17+46 8:17-27 LXX Isaiah 53:4 53:4-81 1
18 9:13+26 9:13-39 LXX Hosea 6:6+5 6:6-29 1
19 11:10+23 11:10-36 LXX Exodus 23:20+1 23:20-54 1
20 12:7+20 12:7-30 LXX Hosea 6:6+5 6:6-29 1
21 12:18+4 12:21 LXX Isaiah 42:1+5 42:4 8
22 13:14+45 13:15 LXX Isaiah 6:9+35 6:10 2
23 13:35+40 13:35-31 LXX Psalms 78:2 78:2-26 1
24 15:4+13 15:4-41 LXX Exodus 20:12 20:12-81 0
25 15:4+41 15:4 LXX Exodus 21:17 1
26 15:8 15:9 LXX Isaiah 29:13+24 29:13 4
27 18:16+41 18:16 LXX Deuteronomy 19:15+105 19:15 1
28 19:4+46 19:4 LXX Genesis 1:27+53 1:27 0
29 19:5+8 19:5 LXX Genesis 2:24 2:24 2
30 19:7+39 19:7-16 LXX Deuteronomy 24:1+110 24:1-60 0
31 19:18+30 19:19-34 LXX Exodus 20:12 20:16-31 0
32 19:19+28 19:19 LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 1
33 21:5 21:5-71 LXX Isaiah 62:11+45 62:11-65 1
34 21:5+19 21:5 LXX Zechariah 9:9+46 9:9 2
35 21:13+24 21:13-33 LXX Isaiah 56:7+143 56:7-16 1
36 21:13+75 21:13 LXX Jeremiah 7:11+2 7:11-80 1
37 21:16+76 21:16 LXX Psalms 8:2 8:2-47 1
38 21:42+47 21:42 LXX Psalms 118:22 118:23 1
39 22:32 22:32-29 LXX Exodus 3:6+12 3:6-70 0
40 22:37+10 22:37 LXX Deuteronomy 6:5+3 6:5 1
41 22:37+71 22:37-3 LXX Joshua 22:5+197 22:5-25 0
42 22:39+18 22:39 LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 1
43 22:44 LXX Psalms 110:1+13 110:1 1
44 24:15+14 24:15-60 LXX Daniel 9:27+101 9:27-54 0
45 24:21+24 24:21-34 LXX Daniel 12:1+98 12:1-111 1
46 26:31+81 26:31 LXX Zechariah 13:7+77 13:7 0
47 27:9+49 27:9-47 LXX Zechariah 11:13+98 11:13-50 0

Matthew is the second book of the New Testament that quotes the most passages from the Old Testament. The other book is Romans (with 50 quotations). Romans quotes from 13 different books (Habakkuk, Isaiah, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Genesis, Malachi, Exodus, Hosea, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Joel, I_Kings, Proverbs) – Matthew refers to 12 ones (Isaiah, Micah, II_Samuel, Hosea, Jeremiah, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Exodus, Leviticus, Genesis, Zechariah, Daniel). Altogether they quote from 18 books.

In the table above 16 lines do not have getrefs chunks. This is more than 1/3 of the rows. This shows that a fuzzy variant of the getrefs algorithm would improve the outputs substantially.

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See also a filtered list of the entries on topics GeoGebra, technical developments or internal references in the Bible.

Zoltán Kovács
Linz School of Education
Johannes Kepler University
Altenberger Strasse 69
A-4040 Linz