2 January 2024


XaoS is a fast interactive real-time fractal zoomer/morpher, written by Jan Hubička and Thomas Marsh in 1996. For about two decades it has been further developed by a group of contributors. Recently, two Google Summer of Code projects (see a 2020 article and a 2023 announcement) added new features to the program.

In this short post two items are introduced, added to XaoS during the last days. First, the web version of XaoS is available at xaos.app. This is a short URL, it is hopefully easy to remember and use. Second, direct commands to XaoS can be added to this URL by extending it with a ? and putting the commands in parentheses. Example: xaos.app?(formula 'mandel3)(maxiter 10) – this immediately shows the cubic Mandelbrot set and sets the maximal iteration to 10.

It is important here to point to the documentation of the accepted commands. Basically, these are the same commands that are used in the XaoS input files (*.xpf). They are simple text files. A large collection of them is available in the source code of XaoS (see the examples folder), but they are also included in the binary releases for all platforms.

Here is one example, one of Jan's first artworks, the file edge.xpf. It consists of the following commands: So we can use the URL xaos.app/?(filter 'edge2 #t)(palette 1 863910123 0)(formula 'newton) to quickly create the expected artwork.

Why can this be useful? For textbooks or tutorials on fractals this can give a simple way to point to a zoomable version of the fractal.

For the full reference of available commands see the wiki. Theoretically all commands are supported that are listed as Available as: command.

Entries on topic technical developments

  1. Embedding realgeom in GeoGebra (9 July 2021)
  2. Web version of Tarski (1 October 2021)
  3. Developing Giac with Qt Creator on Windows (24 January 2022)
  4. Compiling Giac via MSYS2/CLANG32 (2 April 2022)
  5. Terminals on the web (28 June 2022)
  6. Torus puzzle (15 April 2023)
  7. Tube amoeba (16 April 2023)
  8. XaoS in WebAssembly (30 August 2023)
  9. Debut of GNU Aris in WebAssembly (11 November 2023)
  10. JGEX 0.81 (in Hungarian) (10 December 2023)
  11. xaos.app (2 January 2024)
  12. Compiling and running bibref-qt on Wine (22 August 2024)
  13. Treasure of Count Goldenwald (6 January 2025)

Zoltán Kovács
Linz School of Education
Johannes Kepler University
Altenberger Strasse 69
A-4040 Linz