Zoltán Kovács
Welcome to my home page! You may be interested in the following items:
- My publications on ResearchGate
and arXiv, list in PDF
or BibTeX
- Shared materials on GeoGebra
- My GitHub, SourceForge
and npmjs projects and open source contributions
- Snapcraft packages that I maintain
- My Blogger, Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube
and MuseScore channels, or my new blog
- Curriculum Vitae (in German, 2015)
- My Erdős number is 3 (via Jan Hubička)
- My page on the Mathematics Genealogy
Shortcuts to services on this server:
GNU Aris,
Automated Geometer
Some of my current or former projects:
- Chairman of ADG Foundation, since 2024
- Guest editor of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
special issue
“Formalization of Geometry and Reasoning”, 2024
- Chair of the Steering committee of ADG, 2023-2025
- Programme committee co-chair of ADG
2023, Belgrade, Serbia
- Mentor for GNU Project in the Google Summer of Code, years 2020 and 2023
(projects GNU XaoS and GNU Aris)
- Guest editor of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
special issue
“Formalization of Geometry and Reasoning”, 2023
- General chair of the conference Automated Deduction in
Geometry (ADG) 2021, Hagenberg im Mühlkreis, Austria
- Programme committee member of CICM
2019, Prague, Czech Republic
- Guest editor of Journal of Symbolic Computation special issue “Dynamic
Geometry and Automated Reasoning”, 2017
- Co-organizer of special session “Automated
Theorem Proving in Dynamic Geometry” at the conference
Applications of Computer Algebra, Jerusalem, Israel, 2017
- Invited editor of Mathematics in
Computer Science special issue “Proceedings
of conference Application of Computer Algebra, Kassel, Germany, 2016”
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Bulletin of the “Sociedad
Puig Adam de Profesores de Matemáticas” (Puig-Adam Mathematics Teachers Society) since 2016
- Co-organizer of special session “Automated
Theorem Proving in Dynamic Geometry: Current Achievements” at the conference Applications of Computer
Algebra, Kassel, Germany, 2016
Recent awards:
Zoltán Kovács
Linz School of Education
Johannes Kepler University
Altenberger Strasse 69
A-4040 Linz