Statement q1_1181 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 1:23 1:23-34 (1922-1994) with
 LXX Isaiah 7:14+35 7:14 (14234-14304) based on
  introduction 1:22 1:22 (1856-1921) form toytodeolongegoneninaplhrvuhtorhuenypokyrioydiatoyprofhtoylegontos and
  clasp 1:23 1:23-34 (1922-1994, length 73) form idoyhparuenosengastriejeikaitejetaiyionkaikalesoysintoonomaaytoyemmanoyhl
   matches LXX Isaiah 7:14+35 7:14 (14234-14304, length 71) form idoyhparuenosengastriejeikaitejetaiyionkaikaleseistoonomaaytoyemmanoyhl
    differing 8.33%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q2_15011 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 2:6 (2608-2722) with
 LXX II_Samuel 5:2+95 5:2-33 (13368-13395) and
 LXX Micah 5:2 5:2-79 (6563-6627) based on
  introduction 2:5 2:5 (2544-2607) form oideeipanaytvenbhuleemthsioydaiasoytvsgargegraptaidiatoyprofhtoy and
  clasp 2:6 2:6-103 (2608-2619, length 12) form kaisybhuleem
   matches LXX Micah 5:2 5:2-132 (6563-6574, length 12) form kaisybhuleem
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:6+36 2:6-41 (2644-2681, length 38) form entoishgemosinioydaeksoygarejeleysetai
   matches LXX Micah 5:2+45 5:2-65 (6608-6641, length 34) form enxiliasinioydaeksoymoiejeleysetai
    differing 32.43% and
  clasp 2:6+88 2:6 (2696-2722, length 27) form poimaneitonlaonmoytonisrahl
   matches LXX II_Samuel 5:2+95 5:2-33 (13368-13395, length 28) form poimaneistonlaonmoytonisrahl
    differing 7.41% and
  clasp 2:6+106 2:6 (2714-2722, length 9) form tonisrahl
   matches LXX Micah 5:2+99 5:2-37 (6662-6669, length 8) form tvisrahl
    differing 37.50%
  providing cover 66.96%.

Statement q3_13041 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 2:15+77 2:15-9 (3672-3689) with
 LXX Hosea 11:1+38 11:1-11 (15030-15050) based on
  introduction 2:15 2:15-27 (3595-3671) form kaihnekeievsthsteleythshrvdoyinaplhrvuhtorhuenypokyrioydiatoyprofhtoylegontos and
  clasp 2:15+77 2:15-9 (3672-3689, length 18) form ejaigyptoyekalesat
   matches LXX Hosea 11:1+38 11:1-11 (15030-15050, length 21) form ejaigyptoymetekalesat
    differing 20.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q4_2011 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 2:18 (3926-4025) with
 LXX Jeremiah 31:15+16 31:15 (80231-80337) based on
  introduction 2:17 2:17 (3877-3925) form toteeplhrvuhtorhuendiaieremioytoyprofhtoylegontos and
  clasp 2:18 2:18-47 (3926-3978, length 53) form fvnhenramahkoysuhklayumoskaiodyrmospolysraxhlklaioysa
   matches LXX Jeremiah 31:15+16 31:15-46 (80231-80291, length 61) form fvnhenramahkoysuhurhnoykaiklayumoykaiodyrmoyraxhlapoklaiomenh
    differing 33.33% and
  clasp 2:18+68 2:18-23 (3994-4002, length 9) form oykhuelen
   matches LXX Jeremiah 31:15+77 31:15-37 (80292-80300, length 9) form oykhuelen
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:18+89 2:18 (4015-4025, length 11) form otioykeisin
   matches LXX Jeremiah 31:15+112 31:15 (80327-80337, length 11) form otioykeisin
  providing cover 73.00%.

Statement q5_1244 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 3:3+48 3:3 (4681-4752) with
 LXX Isaiah 40:3 40:3-11 (78198-78264) based on
  introduction 3:3 3:3-72 (4633-4680) form oytosgarestinorhueisdiahsaaoytoyprofhtoylegontos and
  clasp 3:3+48 3:3 (4681-4752, length 72) form fvnhbovntosentherhmvetoimasatethnodonkyrioyeyueiaspoieitetastriboysaytoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:3 40:3-8 (78198-78267, length 70) form fvnhbovntosentherhmvetoimasatethnodonkyrioyeyueiaspoieitetastriboystoy
    differing 4.23%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q6_24091 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 4:4+27 4:4 (6356-6428) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 8:3+92 8:3-16 (27883-27957) based on
  introduction 4:4 4:4-73 (6329-6355) form odeapokriueiseipengegraptai and
  clasp 4:4+27 4:4 (6356-6428, length 73) form oykepartvmonvqhsetaioanurvposallepipantirhmatiekporeyomenvdiastomatosueoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 8:3+92 8:3-16 (27883-27957, length 75) form oykepartvmonvqhsetaioanurvposallepipantirhmatitvekporeyomenvdiastomatosueoy
    differing 4.05%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q7_341 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 4:6+54 4:6 (6566-6657) with
 LXX Psalms 91:11 91:12 (107356-107479) based on
  introduction 4:6+42 4:6-92 (6554-6565) form gegraptaigar and
  clasp 4:6+54 4:6-55 (6566-6602, length 37) form otitoisaggeloisaytoyenteleitaiperisoy
   matches LXX Psalms 91:11 91:11-35 (107356-107392, length 37) form otitoisaggeloisaytoyenteleitaiperisoy
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:6+94 4:6 (6606-6657, length 52) form epixeirvnaroysinsemhpoteproskochsprosliuontonpodasoy
   matches LXX Psalms 91:12 91:12 (107428-107479, length 52) form epixeirvnaroysinsemhpoteproskochsprosliuontonpodasoy
  providing cover 96.74%.

Statement q8_24082 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 4:7+28 4:7 (6686-6715) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 6:16 6:16-33 (23212-23241) based on
  introduction 4:7 4:7-30 (6658-6685) form efhaytvoihsoyspalingegraptai and
  clasp 4:7+28 4:7 (6686-6715, length 30) form oykekpeiraseiskyriontonueonsoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:16 6:16-33 (23212-23241, length 30) form oykekpeiraseiskyriontonueonsoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q9_24101 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 4:10+43 4:10 (6916-6964) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 6:13 6:13-41 (22967-23007) based on
  introduction 4:10 4:10-49 (6873-6915) form totelegeiaytvoihsoysypagesatanagegraptaigar and
  clasp 4:10+43 4:10-33 (6916-6931, length 16) form kyriontonueonsoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:13 6:13-66 (22967-22982, length 16) form kyriontonueonsoy
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:10+71 4:10-14 (6944-6950, length 7) form kaiaytv
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:13+24 6:13-51 (22991-22997, length 7) form kaiaytv
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:10+82 4:10 (6955-6964, length 10) form latreyseis
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:13+31 6:13-41 (22998-23007, length 10) form latreyseis
  providing cover 67.35%.

Statement q10_1222 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 4:15+2 4:16-15 (7219-7358) with
 LXX Isaiah 9:1+71 9:2-12 (17783-17975) based on
  introduction 4:14 4:14 (7172-7216) form inaplhrvuhtorhuendiahsaaoytoyprofhtoylegontos and
  clasp 4:15 4:15-32 (7217-7251, length 35) form ghqaboylvnkaighnefualimodonualasshs
   matches LXX Isaiah 9:1+71 9:1-88 (17783-17813, length 31) form qaboylvnhghnefualimodonualasshs
    differing 17.65% and
  clasp 4:15+35 4:15 (7252-7283, length 32) form perantoyiordanoygalilaiatvneunvn
   matches LXX Isaiah 9:1+141 9:1-17 (17853-17884, length 32) form perantoyiordanoygalilaiatvneunvn
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:16 4:16-15 (7284-7358, length 75) form olaosokauhmenosenskotiafvseidenmegakaitoiskauhmenoisenxvrakaiskiauanatoyfvs
   matches LXX Isaiah 9:2 9:2-12 (17902-17975, length 74) form olaosoporeyomenosenskoteiidetefvsmegaoikatoikoyntesenxvrakaiskiauanatoyfvs
    differing 32.43%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q11_21037 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 5:21+29 5:21-31 (9907-9917) with
 LXX Exodus 20:13 20:13 (57313-57323) based on
  introduction 5:21 5:21-42 (9878-9906) form hkoysateotierreuhtoisarxaiois and
  clasp 5:21+29 5:21-31 (9907-9917, length 11) form oyfoneyseis
   matches LXX Exodus 20:13 20:13 (57313-57323, length 11) form oyfoneyseis
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q12_21039 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 5:27+17 5:27 (10489-10500) with
 LXX Exodus 20:14 20:14 (57324-57335) based on
  introduction 5:27 5:27-12 (10472-10488) form hkoysateotierreuh and
  clasp 5:27+17 5:27 (10489-10500, length 12) form oymoixeyseis
   matches LXX Exodus 20:14 20:14 (57324-57335, length 12) form oymoixeyseis
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q13_24063 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 5:31+34 5:31 (10880-10897) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 24:1+117 24:1-52 (72323-72340) based on
  no evidence.

Statement q14_21101 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 5:38+17 5:38 (11387-11426) with
 LXX Exodus 21:24 21:24-28 (60430-60466) based on
  introduction 5:38 5:38-40 (11370-11386) form hkoysateotierreuh and
  clasp 5:38+17 5:38 (11387-11426, length 40) form ofualmonantiofualmoykaiodontaantiodontos
   matches LXX Exodus 21:24 21:24-28 (60430-60466, length 37) form ofualmonantiofualmoyodontaantiodontos
    differing 10.26%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q15_22021 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 5:43+17 5:43-23 (11699-11720) with
 LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-22 (60912-60933) based on
  introduction 5:43 5:43-45 (11682-11698) form hkoysateotierreuh and
  clasp 5:43+17 5:43-23 (11699-11720, length 22) form agaphseistonplhsionsoy
   matches LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-22 (60912-60933, length 22) form agaphseistonplhsionsoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q16_1341 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 8:17+46 8:17-27 (19102-19122) with
 LXX Isaiah 53:4 53:4-81 (107715-107734) based on
  introduction 8:17 8:17-48 (19056-19101) form opvsplhrvuhtorhuendiahsaaoytoyprofhtoylegontos and
  clasp 8:17+46 8:17-27 (19102-19122, length 21) form aytostasasueneiashmvn
   matches LXX Isaiah 53:4 53:4-81 (107715-107734, length 20) form oytostasamartiashmvn
    differing 35.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q17_13061 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 9:13+26 9:13-39 (21658-21677) with
 LXX Hosea 6:6+5 6:6-29 (8273-8292) based on
  introduction 9:13 9:13-59 (21632-21657) form poreyuentesdemauetetiestin and
  clasp 9:13+26 9:13-39 (21658-21677, length 20) form eleosuelvkaioyuysian
   matches LXX Hosea 6:6+5 6:6-29 (8273-8292, length 20) form eleosuelvkaioyuysian
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q18_21111 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 11:10+23 11:10-36 (28147-28191) with
 LXX Exodus 23:20+1 23:20-54 (66260-66304) based on
  introduction 11:10 11:10-79 (28124-28148) form oytosestinperioygegraptai and
  clasp 11:10+25 11:10-36 (28149-28191, length 43) form idoyegvapostellvtonaggelonmoyproprosvpoysoy
   matches LXX Exodus 23:20+3 23:20-54 (66262-66304, length 43) form idoyegvapostellvtonaggelonmoyproprosvpoysoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q19_13062 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 12:7+20 12:7-30 (30379-30398) with
 LXX Hosea 6:6+5 6:6-29 (8273-8292) based on
  introduction 12:7 12:7-50 (30359-30378) form eideegnvkeitetiestin and
  clasp 12:7+20 12:7-30 (30379-30398, length 20) form eleosuelvkaioyuysian
   matches LXX Hosea 6:6+5 6:6-29 (8273-8292, length 20) form eleosuelvkaioyuysian
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q20_1351 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 12:18+4 12:21 (31116-31395) with
 LXX Isaiah 42:1+5 42:4 (83337-83667) based on
  introduction 12:17 12:17 (31067-31111) form inaplhrvuhtorhuendiahsaaoytoyprofhtoylegontos and
  clasp 12:18+4 12:18-94 (31116-31123, length 8) form opaismoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 42:1+5 42:1-106 (83337-83344, length 8) form opaismoy
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:18+47 12:18-9 (31159-31208, length 50) form hcyxhmoyuhsvtopneymamoyepaytonkaikrisintoiseunesin
   matches LXX Isaiah 42:1+64 42:1-7 (83396-83443, length 48) form hcyxhmoyedvkatopneymamoyepaytonkrisintoiseunesin
    differing 14.29% and
  clasp 12:19+22 12:19-31 (31240-31250, length 11) form oydeakoysei
   matches LXX Isaiah 42:2+22 42:2-13 (83473-83488, length 16) form oydeakoysuhsetai
    differing 40.00% and
  clasp 12:19+54 12:20-77 (31272-31288, length 17) form fvnhnaytoykalamon
   matches LXX Isaiah 42:2+42 42:3-78 (83493-83508, length 16) form fvnhaytoykalamon
    differing 12.50% and
  clasp 12:20+31 12:20-28 (31313-31337, length 25) form kailinontyfomenonoysbesei
   matches LXX Isaiah 42:3+29 42:3-28 (83531-83558, length 28) form kailinonkapniqomenonoysbesei
    differing 25.93% and
  clasp 12:20+78 12:21 (31360-31395, length 36) form krisinkaitvonomatiaytoyeunhelpioysin
   matches LXX Isaiah 42:4+42 42:4 (83629-83667, length 39) form krisinkaiepitvonomatiaytoyeunhelpioysin
    differing 7.89%
  providing cover 52.50%.

Statement q21_14511 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 12:40+8 12:40-67 (33085-33135) with
 LXX Jonah 1:17+50 1:17 (1910-1960) based on
  introduction 12:40 12:40-118 (33077-33084) form vspergar and
  clasp 12:40+8 12:40-67 (33085-33135, length 51) form hnivnasenthkoiliatoykhtoystreishmeraskaitreisnyktas
   matches LXX Jonah 1:17+50 1:17 (1910-1960, length 51) form hnivnasenthkoiliatoykhtoystreishmeraskaitreisnyktas
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q22_1363 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 13:14+45 13:15 (35214-35448) with
 LXX Isaiah 6:9+35 6:10 (12443-12682) based on
  introduction 13:14 13:14-56 (35169-35213) form kaianaplhroytaiaytoishprofhteiahsaaoyhlegoysa and
  clasp 13:14+45 13:15 (35214-35448, length 235) form akohakoysetekaioymhsynhtekaiblepontesblecetekaioymhidhteepaxynuhgarhkardiatoylaoytoytoykaitoisvsinbarevshkoysankaitoysofualmoysaytvnekammysanmhpoteidvsintoisofualmoiskaitoisvsinakoysvsinkaithkardiasynvsinkaiepistrecvsinkaiiasomaiaytoys
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:9+35 6:10 (12443-12682, length 240) form akohakoysetekaioymhsynhtekaiblepontesblecetekaioymhidhteepaxynuhgarhkardiatoylaoytoytoykaitoisvsinaytvnbarevshkoysankaitoysofualmoysaytvnekammysanmhpoteidvsintoisofualmoiskaitoisvsinakoysvsinkaithkardiasynvsinkaiepistrecvsinkaiiasomaiaytoys
    differing 2.09%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q23_311 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 13:35+40 13:35-31 (37391-37418) with
 LXX Psalms 78:2 78:2-26 (87284-87311) based on
  introduction 13:35 13:35-59 (37351-37390) form opvsplhrvuhtorhuendiatoyprofhtoylegontos and
  clasp 13:35+40 13:35-31 (37391-37418, length 28) form anoijvenparabolaistostomamoy
   matches LXX Psalms 78:2 78:2-26 (87284-87311, length 28) form anoijvenparabolaistostomamoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q24_21040 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 15:4+13 15:4-41 (42524-42548) with
 LXX Exodus 20:12 20:12-81 (57204-57231) based on
  introduction 15:4 15:4-66 (42511-42523) form ogarueoseipen and
  clasp 15:4+13 15:4-41 (42524-42548, length 25) form timatonpaterakaithnmhtera
   matches LXX Exodus 20:12 20:12-81 (57204-57231, length 28) form timatonpaterasoykaithnmhtera
    differing 14.81%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q25_21121 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 15:4+41 15:4 (42552-42589) with
 LXX Exodus 21:17 (59825-59873) based on
  introduction 15:4+38 15:4-38 (42549-42551) form kai and
  clasp 15:4+41 15:4 (42552-42589, length 38) form okakologvnpaterahmhterauanatvteleytatv
   matches LXX Exodus 21:17 21:17 (59825-59873, length 49) form okakologvnpateraaytoyhmhteraaytoyteleythseiuanatv
    differing 35.42%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q26_1371 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 15:8 15:9 (42765-42879) with
 LXX Isaiah 29:13+24 29:13 (55467-55592) based on
  introduction 15:7 15:7 (42720-42764) form ypokritaikalvseprofhteysenperiymvnhsaaaslegvn and
  clasp 15:8 15:9 (42765-42879, length 115) form olaosoytostoisxeilesinmetimahdekardiaaytvnporrvapexeiapemoymathndesebontaimedidaskontesdidaskaliasentalmataanurvpvn
   matches LXX Isaiah 29:13+24 29:13 (55467-55592, length 126) form olaosoytostoisxeilesinaytvntimvsinmehdekardiaaytvnporrvapexeiapemoymathndesebontaimedidaskontesentalmataanurvpvnkaididaskalias
    differing 12.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q27_24211 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 18:16+41 18:16 (51782-51821) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 19:15+105 19:15 (60565-60630) based on
  introduction 18:16+38 18:16-40 (51779-51781) form ina and
  clasp 18:16+41 18:16 (51782-51821, length 40) form epistomatosdyomartyrvnhtrivnstauhpanrhma
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 19:15+105 19:15 (60565-60630, length 66) form epistomatosdyomartyrvnkaiepistomatostrivnmartyrvnstauhsetaipanrhma
    differing 44.62%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q28_20082 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 19:4+46 19:4 (53749-53774) with
 LXX Genesis 1:27+53 1:27 (2703-2728) based on
  introduction 19:4 19:4-40 (53703-53734) form odeapokriueiseipenoykanegnvteoti and
  clasp 19:4+46 19:4 (53749-53774, length 26) form arsenkaiuhlyepoihsenaytoys
   matches LXX Genesis 1:27+53 1:27 (2703-2728, length 26) form arsenkaiuhlyepoihsenaytoys
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q29_20073 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 19:5+8 19:5 (53783-53888) with
 LXX Genesis 2:24 2:24 (5486-5611) based on
  introduction 19:5 19:5-106 (53775-53782) form kaieipen and
  clasp 19:5+8 19:5 (53783-53888, length 106) form enekatoytoykataleiceianurvpostonpaterakaithnmhterakaikollhuhsetaithgynaikiaytoykaiesontaioidyoeissarkamian
   matches LXX Genesis 2:24 2:24 (5486-5611, length 126) form enekentoytoykataleiceianurvpostonpateraaytoykaithnmhteraaytoykaiproskollhuhsetaiprosthngynaikaaytoykaiesontaioidyoeissarkamian
    differing 22.40%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q30_24062 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 19:7+39 19:7-16 (53994-54010) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 24:1+110 24:1-60 (72316-72332) based on
  no evidence.

Statement q31_21038 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 19:18+30 19:19-34 (54982-55056) with
 LXX Exodus 20:12 20:16-31 (57204-57362) based on
  introduction 19:17+50 19:18-50 (54906-54981) form eideueleiseisthnqvhneiselueinthrhsontasentolaslegeiaytvpoiasodeihsoyseipento and
  clasp 19:18+30 19:18 (54982-55031, length 50) form oyfoneyseisoymoixeyseisoykleceisoyceydomartyrhseis
   matches LXX Exodus 20:13 20:16-31 (57313-57362, length 50) form oyfoneyseisoymoixeyseisoykleceisoyceydomartyrhseis
    verbatim and
  clasp 19:19 19:19-34 (55032-55056, length 25) form timatonpaterakaithnmhtera
   matches LXX Exodus 20:12 20:12-81 (57204-57231, length 28) form timatonpaterasoykaithnmhtera
    differing 14.81%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q32_22028 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 19:19+28 19:19 (55060-55090) with
 LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942) based on
  introduction 19:19+25 19:19-31 (55057-55059) form kai and
  clasp 19:19+28 19:19 (55060-55090, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
   matches LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q33_1381 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 21:5 (59121-59214) with
 LXX Isaiah 62:11+45 62:11-65 (124179-124201) and
 LXX Zechariah 9:9+46 9:9 (14394-14481) based on
  introduction 21:4 21:4 (59068-59120) form toytodegegoneninaplhrvuhtorhuendiatoyprofhtoylegontos and
  clasp 21:5 21:5-71 (59121-59143, length 23) form eipatethuygatrisivnidoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 62:11+45 62:11-65 (124179-124201, length 23) form eipatethuygatrisivnidoy
    verbatim and
  clasp 21:5+19 21:5-49 (59140-59165, length 26) form idoyobasileyssoyerxetaisoi
   matches LXX Zechariah 9:9+46 9:9-62 (14394-14419, length 26) form idoyobasileyssoyerxetaisoi
    verbatim and
  clasp 21:5+45 21:5 (59166-59214, length 49) form prayskaiepibebhkvsepiononkaiepipvlonyionypoqygioy
   matches LXX Zechariah 9:9+92 9:9 (14440-14481, length 42) form prayskaiepibebhkvsepiypoqygionkaipvlonneon
    differing 22.92%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q34_1312 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 21:13+24 21:13 (59893-59957) with
 LXX Isaiah 56:7+143 56:7-16 (112775-112806) and
 LXX Jeremiah 7:11+2 7:11-80 (19391-19404) based on
  introduction 21:13+14 21:13-66 (59883-59891) form gegraptai and
  clasp 21:13+23 21:13-33 (59892-59924, length 33) form ooikosmoyoikosproseyxhsklhuhsetai
   matches LXX Isaiah 56:7+139 56:7-16 (112771-112806, length 36) form ogaroikosmoyoikosproseyxhsklhuhsetai
    differing 11.43% and
  clasp 21:13+75 21:13 (59944-59957, length 14) form sphlaionlhstvn
   matches LXX Jeremiah 7:11+2 7:11-80 (19391-19404, length 14) form sphlaionlhstvn
  providing cover 71.21%.

Statement q35_71 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 21:16+76 21:16 (60218-60260) with
 LXX Psalms 8:2 8:2-47 (5607-5649) based on
  introduction 21:16+57 21:16-43 (60199-60217) form oydepoteanegnvteoti and
  clasp 21:16+76 21:16 (60218-60260, length 43) form ekstomatosnhpivnkaiuhlaqontvnkathrtisvainon
   matches LXX Psalms 8:2 8:2-47 (5607-5649, length 43) form ekstomatosnhpivnkaiuhlaqontvnkathrtisvainon
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q36_461 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 21:42+47 21:42 (62687-62800) with
 LXX Psalms 118:22 118:23 (138495-138608) based on
  introduction 21:42 21:42-114 (62640-62686) form legeiaytoisoihsoysoydepoteanegnvteentaisgrafais and
  clasp 21:42+47 21:42 (62687-62800, length 114) form liuononapedokimasanoioikodomoyntesoytosegenhuheiskefalhngvniasparakyrioyegenetoaythkaiestinuaymasthenofualmoishmvn
   matches LXX Psalms 118:22 118:23 (138495-138608, length 114) form liuononapedokimasanoioikodomoyntesoytosegenhuheiskefalhngvniasparakyrioyegenetoaythkaiestinuaymasthenofualmoishmvn
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q37_21131 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 22:32 22:32-29 (65454-65497) with
 LXX Exodus 3:6+12 3:6-70 (4990-5047) based on
  introduction 22:31 22:31 (65386-65453) form peridethsanastasevstvnnekrvnoykanegnvtetorhuenyminypotoyueoylegontos and
  clasp 22:32 22:32-61 (65454-65465, length 12) form egveimioueos
   matches LXX Exodus 3:6+12 3:6-116 (4990-5001, length 12) form egveimioueos
    verbatim and
  clasp 22:32+12 22:32-29 (65466-65497, length 32) form abraamkaioueosisaakkaioueosiakvb
   matches LXX Exodus 3:6+40 3:6-70 (5018-5047, length 30) form abraamkaiueosisaakkaiueosiakvb
    differing 12.90%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q38_24171 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 22:37+10 22:37 (65730-65807) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 6:5+3 6:5 (22214-22300) and
 LXX Joshua 22:5+197 22:5-25 (60942-60958) based on
  introduction 22:36 22:37-78 (65687-65729) form didaskalepoiaentolhmegalhentvnomvodeefhaytv and
  clasp 22:37+10 22:37-10 (65730-65797, length 68) form agaphseiskyriontonueonsoyenolhthkardiasoykaienolhthcyxhsoykaienolhth
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:5+3 6:5-11 (22214-22289, length 76) form agaphseiskyriontonueonsoyejolhsthskardiassoykaiejolhsthscyxhssoykaiejolhsths
    differing 25.33% and
  clasp 22:37+71 22:37-3 (65791-65804, length 14) form enolhthdianoia
   matches LXX Joshua 22:5+197 22:5-25 (60942-60958, length 17) form ejolhsthsdianoias
    differing 43.75% and
  clasp 22:37+85 22:37 (65805-65807, length 3) form soy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:5+87 6:5 (22298-22300, length 3) form soy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q39_22027 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 22:39+18 22:39 (65856-65886) with
 LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942) based on
  introduction 22:39 22:39-31 (65838-65855) form deyteradeomoiaayth and
  clasp 22:39+18 22:39 (65856-65886, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
   matches LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q40_404 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 22:44 (66108-66183) with
 LXX Psalms 110:1+13 110:1 (132485-132563) based on
  introduction 22:43+11 22:43 (66066-66107) form pvsoyndayidenpneymatikaleiaytonkyrionlegvn and
  clasp 22:44 (66108-66183, length 76) form eipenkyriostvkyrivmoykauoyekdejivnmoyevsanuvtoysexuroyssoyypokatvtvnpodvnsoy
   matches LXX Psalms 110:1+13 110:1 (132485-132563, length 79) form eipenokyriostvkyrivmoykauoyekdejivnmoyevsanuvtoysexuroyssoyypopodiontvnpodvnsoy
    differing 10.26%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q41_18011 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 24:15+14 24:15-60 (70680-70699) with
 LXX Daniel 9:27+101 9:27-54 (36179-36198) based on
  introduction 24:15+34 24:15-33 (70700-70726) form torhuendiadanihltoyprofhtoy and
  introduction 24:15+76 24:15 (70742-70759) form oanaginvskvnnoeitv and
  clasp 24:15+14 24:15-60 (70680-70699, length 20) form bdelygmathserhmvsevs
   matches LXX Daniel 9:27+101 9:27-54 (36179-36198, length 20) form bdelygmatvnerhmvsevn
    differing 21.05%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q42_18021 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 24:21+24 24:21 (71031-71078) with
 LXX Daniel 12:1+98 12:1-111 (44466-44485) based on
  introduction 24:21+5 24:21-60 (71012-71018) form gartote and
  clasp 24:21 24:21-67 (71007-71011, length 5) form estai
   matches LXX Daniel 12:1+80 12:1-144 (44448-44452, length 5) form estai
    verbatim and
  clasp 24:21+12 24:21-34 (71019-71044, length 26) form ulicismegalhoiaoygegonenap
   matches LXX Daniel 12:1+98 12:1-111 (44466-44485, length 20) form ulicisoiaoygegonenaf
    differing 32.00% and
  clasp 24:21+61 24:21 (71068-71078, length 11) form oymhgenhtai
   matches LXX Daniel 12:1+118 12:1-100 (44486-44496, length 11) form oygegenhtai
    differing 30.00%
  providing cover 58.33%.

Statement q43_17021 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 26:31+81 26:31 (79398-79453) with
 LXX Zechariah 13:7+77 13:7 (21571-21645) based on
  introduction 26:31 26:31-56 (79317-79397) form totelegeiaytoisoihsoyspantesymeisskandalisuhsesueenemoienthnyktitaythgegraptaigar and
  clasp 26:31+81 26:31-37 (79398-79416, length 19) form patajvtonpoimenakai
   matches LXX Zechariah 13:7+77 13:7-52 (21571-21593, length 23) form patajatetoyspoimenaskai
    differing 40.91% and
  clasp 26:31+118 26:31-10 (79435-79443, length 9) form taprobata
   matches LXX Zechariah 13:7+109 13:7-34 (21603-21611, length 9) form taprobata
    verbatim and
  clasp 26:31+127 26:31 (79444-79453, length 10) form thspoimnhs
   matches LXX Zechariah 13:7+140 13:7 (21634-21645, length 12) form toyspoimenas
    differing 63.64%
  providing cover 67.86%.

Statement q44_17031 connects
 SBLGNT Matthew 27:9+49 27:9-47 (83819-83845) with
 LXX Zechariah 11:13+98 11:13-50 (18294-18323) based on
  introduction 27:9 27:9-74 (83770-83818) form toteeplhrvuhtorhuendiaieremioytoyprofhtoylegontos and
  clasp 27:9+49 27:9-47 (83819-83845, length 27) form kaielabontatriakontaargyria
   matches LXX Zechariah 11:13+98 11:13-50 (18294-18323, length 30) form kaielabontoystriakontaargyroys
    differing 24.14%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q45_1243 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 1:2+32 1:3 (72-207) with
 LXX Exodus 23:20+3 23:20-54 (66262-66304) and
 LXX Isaiah 40:3 40:3-11 (78198-78264) based on
  introduction 1:2 1:2-64 (40-71) form kauvsgegraptaientvhsaaatvprofhth and
  clasp 1:2+32 1:2-24 (72-111, length 40) form idoyapostellvtonaggelonmoyproprosvpoysoy
   matches LXX Exodus 23:20+3 23:20-54 (66262-66304, length 43) form idoyegvapostellvtonaggelonmoyproprosvpoysoy
    differing 9.52% and
  clasp 1:3 1:3 (136-207, length 72) form fvnhbovntosentherhmvetoimasatethnodonkyrioyeyueiaspoieitetastriboysaytoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:3 40:3-8 (78198-78267, length 70) form fvnhbovntosentherhmvetoimasatethnodonkyrioyeyueiaspoieitetastriboystoy
    differing 4.23%
  providing cover 82.35%.

Statement q46_1364 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 4:12+3 4:12-11 (9850-9929) with
 LXX Isaiah 6:9+39 6:10 (12447-12682) based on
  introduction 4:12 4:12-91 (9847-9849) form ina and
  clasp 4:12+3 4:12-64 (9850-9876, length 27) form blepontesblepvsikaimhidvsin
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:9+63 6:9 (12471-12498, length 28) form blepontesblecetekaioymhidhte
    differing 40.74% and
  clasp 4:12+42 4:12-42 (9889-9898, length 10) form akoyvsikai
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:10+126 6:10-46 (12625-12636, length 12) form akoysvsinkai
    differing 36.36% and
  clasp 4:12+54 4:12-32 (9901-9908, length 8) form synivsin
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:10+146 6:10-31 (12645-12651, length 7) form synvsin
    differing 28.57% and
  clasp 4:12+62 4:12-26 (9909-9914, length 6) form mhpote
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:10+90 6:10-88 (12589-12594, length 6) form mhpote
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:12+68 4:12-11 (9915-9929, length 15) form epistrecvsinkai
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:10+156 6:10-13 (12655-12669, length 15) form epistrecvsinkai
  providing cover 82.50%.

Statement q47_1372 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 7:6+71 7:7 (21317-21431) with
 LXX Isaiah 29:13+24 29:13 (55467-55592) based on
  introduction 7:6 7:6-59 (21246-21316) form odeeipenaytoiskalvseprofhteysenhsaaasperiymvntvnypokritvnvsgegraptaioti and
  clasp 7:6+71 7:7 (21317-21431, length 115) form oytosolaostoisxeilesinmetimahdekardiaaytvnporrvapexeiapemoymathndesebontaimedidaskontesdidaskaliasentalmataanurvpvn
   matches LXX Isaiah 29:13+24 29:13 (55467-55592, length 126) form olaosoytostoisxeilesinaytvntimvsinmehdekardiaaytvnporrvapexeiapemoymathndesebontaimedidaskontesentalmataanurvpvnkaididaskalias
    differing 12.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q48_21033 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 7:10+14 7:10-44 (21573-21600) with
 LXX Exodus 20:12 20:12-81 (57204-57231) based on
  introduction 7:10 7:10-72 (21559-21572) form mvyshsgareipen and
  clasp 7:10+14 7:10-44 (21573-21600, length 28) form timatonpaterasoykaithnmhtera
   matches LXX Exodus 20:12 20:12-81 (57204-57231, length 28) form timatonpaterasoykaithnmhtera
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q49_21122 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 7:10+48 7:10 (21607-21644) with
 LXX Exodus 21:17 (59825-59873) based on
  introduction 7:10+45 7:10-38 (21604-21606) form kai and
  clasp 7:10+48 7:10 (21607-21644, length 38) form okakologvnpaterahmhterauanatvteleytatv
   matches LXX Exodus 21:17 21:17 (59825-59873, length 49) form okakologvnpateraaytoyhmhteraaytoyteleythseiuanatv
    differing 35.42%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q50_24061 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 10:4+24 10:4-11 (31468-31490) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 24:1+100 24:1-60 (72306-72332) based on
  no evidence.

Statement q51_20074 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 10:6+17 10:8-29 (31590-31736) with
 LXX Genesis 1:27+53 1:27 (2703-2728) and
 LXX Genesis 2:24 2:24 (5486-5611) based on
  introduction 10:6 10:6-26 (31573-31589) form apodearxhsktisevs and
  clasp 10:6+17 10:6 (31590-31615, length 26) form arsenkaiuhlyepoihsenaytoys
   matches LXX Genesis 1:27+53 1:27 (2703-2728, length 26) form arsenkaiuhlyepoihsenaytoys
    verbatim and
  clasp 10:7 10:8-29 (31616-31736, length 121) form enekentoytoykataleiceianurvpostonpateraaytoykaithnmhterakaiproskollhuhsetaiprosthngynaikaaytoykaiesontaioidyoeissarkamian
   matches LXX Genesis 2:24 2:24 (5486-5611, length 126) form enekentoytoykataleiceianurvpostonpateraaytoykaithnmhteraaytoykaiproskollhuhsetaiprosthngynaikaaytoykaiesontaioidyoeissarkamian
    differing 4.80%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q52_21034 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 10:19+15 10:19 (32469-32555) with
 LXX Exodus 20:12 20:16-31 (57204-57362) based on
  introduction 10:19 10:19-87 (32454-32468) form tasentolasoidas and
  clasp 10:19+15 10:19-41 (32469-32514, length 46) form mhfoneyshsmhmoixeyshsmhklechsmhceydomartyrhshs
   matches LXX Exodus 20:13 20:16-31 (57313-57362, length 50) form oyfoneyseisoymoixeyseisoykleceisoyceydomartyrhseis
    differing 46.94% and
  clasp 10:19+74 10:19 (32528-32555, length 28) form timatonpaterasoykaithnmhtera
   matches LXX Exodus 20:12 20:12-81 (57204-57231, length 28) form timatonpaterasoykaithnmhtera
  providing cover 85.06%.

Statement q53_1311 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 11:17+42 11:17 (36991-37074) with
 LXX Isaiah 56:7+143 56:7 (112775-112822) and
 LXX Jeremiah 7:11+2 7:11-80 (19391-19404) based on
  introduction 11:17+27 11:17-85 (36976-36989) form oygegraptaioti and
  clasp 11:17+41 11:17-36 (36990-37038, length 49) form ooikosmoyoikosproseyxhsklhuhsetaipasintoiseunesin
   matches LXX Isaiah 56:7+139 56:7 (112771-112822, length 52) form ogaroikosmoyoikosproseyxhsklhuhsetaipasintoiseunesin
    differing 7.84% and
  clasp 11:17+112 11:17 (37061-37074, length 14) form sphlaionlhstvn
   matches LXX Jeremiah 7:11+2 7:11-80 (19391-19404, length 14) form sphlaionlhstvn
  providing cover 74.12%.

Statement q54_462 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 12:10+27 12:11 (39109-39222) with
 LXX Psalms 118:22 118:23 (138495-138608) based on
  introduction 12:10 12:10-62 (39082-39108) form oydethngrafhntaythnanegnvte and
  clasp 12:10+27 12:11 (39109-39222, length 114) form liuononapedokimasanoioikodomoyntesoytosegenhuheiskefalhngvniasparakyrioyegenetoaythkaiestinuaymasthenofualmoishmvn
   matches LXX Psalms 118:22 118:23 (138495-138608, length 114) form liuononapedokimasanoioikodomoyntesoytosegenhuheiskefalhngvniasparakyrioyegenetoaythkaiestinuaymasthenofualmoishmvn
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q55_21132 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 12:26+88 12:26 (40548-40587) with
 LXX Exodus 3:6+12 3:6-70 (4990-5047) based on
  introduction 12:26 12:26-40 (40460-40547) form peridetvnnekrvnotiegeirontaioykanegnvteenthbiblvmvysevsepitoybatoypvseipenaytvoueoslegvn and
  clasp 12:26+88 12:26-37 (40548-40550, length 3) form egv
   matches LXX Exodus 3:6+12 3:6-125 (4990-4992, length 3) form egv
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:26+91 12:26-32 (40551-40555, length 5) form oueos
   matches LXX Exodus 3:6+19 3:6-116 (4997-5001, length 5) form oueos
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:26+96 12:26 (40556-40587, length 32) form abraamkaioueosisaakkaioueosiakvb
   matches LXX Exodus 3:6+40 3:6-70 (5018-5047, length 30) form abraamkaiueosisaakkaiueosiakvb
    differing 12.90%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q56_24173 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 12:29+28 12:30-21 (40774-40903) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 6:4+103 6:5 (22171-22300) and
 LXX Joshua 22:5+197 22:5-25 (60942-60958) based on
  introduction 12:28 12:29-40 (40628-40773) form kaiproseluvneistvngrammatevnakoysasaytvnsyqhtoyntvnidvnotikalvsapekriuhaytoisephrvthsenaytonpoiaestinentolhprvthpantvnapekriuhoihsoysotiprvthestin and
  clasp 12:29+28 12:30-32 (40774-40892, length 119) form akoyeisrahlkyriosoueoshmvnkyrioseisestinkaiagaphseiskyriontonueonsoyejolhsthskardiassoykaiejolhsthscyxhssoykaiejolhsths
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:4+103 6:5-11 (22171-22289, length 119) form akoyeisrahlkyriosoueoshmvnkyrioseisestinkaiagaphseiskyriontonueonsoyejolhsthskardiassoykaiejolhsthscyxhssoykaiejolhsths
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:30+70 12:30-24 (40884-40900, length 17) form ejolhsthsdianoias
   matches LXX Joshua 22:5+197 22:5-25 (60942-60958, length 17) form ejolhsthsdianoias
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:30+87 12:30-21 (40901-40903, length 3) form soy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:5+87 6:5 (22298-22300, length 3) form soy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q57_22024 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 12:31+11 12:31-30 (40936-40966) with
 LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942) based on
  introduction 12:31 12:31-61 (40925-40935) form deyteraayth and
  clasp 12:31+11 12:31-30 (40936-40966, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
   matches LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q58_24181 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 12:32+58 12:32 (41055-41084) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 4:35+39 4:35 (16689-16716) based on
  introduction 12:32 12:32-33 (40997-41051) form kaieipenaytvogrammateyskalvsdidaskaleepalhueiaseipesoti and
  clasp 12:32+58 12:32-14 (41055-41070, length 16) form estinkaioykestin
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 4:35+39 4:35-12 (16689-16704, length 16) form estinkaioykestin
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:32+79 12:32 (41076-41084, length 9) form plhnaytoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 4:35+58 4:35 (16708-16716, length 9) form plhnaytoy
  providing cover 83.33%.

Statement q59_405 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 12:36+33 12:36 (41470-41545) with
 LXX Psalms 110:1+13 110:1 (132485-132563) based on
  introduction 12:36 12:36-76 (41437-41469) form aytosdayideipenentvpneymatitvagiv and
  clasp 12:36+33 12:36 (41470-41545, length 76) form eipenkyriostvkyrivmoykauoyekdejivnmoyevsanuvtoysexuroyssoyypokatvtvnpodvnsoy
   matches LXX Psalms 110:1+13 110:1 (132485-132563, length 79) form eipenokyriostvkyrivmoykauoyekdejivnmoyevsanuvtoysexuroyssoyypopodiontvnpodvnsoy
    differing 10.26%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q60_18012 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 13:14+13 13:14-70 (43429-43448) with
 LXX Daniel 9:27+101 9:27-54 (36179-36198) based on
  introduction 13:14+50 13:14-35 (43466-43483) form oanaginvskvnnoeitv and
  clasp 13:14+13 13:14-70 (43429-43448, length 20) form bdelygmathserhmvsevs
   matches LXX Daniel 9:27+101 9:27-54 (36179-36198, length 20) form bdelygmatvnerhmvsevn
    differing 21.05%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q61_18022 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 13:19+25 13:19 (43757-43832) with
 LXX Daniel 12:1+98 12:1-111 (44466-44485) based on
  introduction 13:19+7 13:19-91 (43739-43741) form gar and
  clasp 13:19 13:19-94 (43732-43738, length 7) form esontai
   matches LXX Daniel 12:1+80 12:1-144 (44448-44452, length 5) form estai
    differing 50.00% and
  clasp 13:19+90 13:19 (43822-43832, length 11) form oymhgenhtai
   matches LXX Daniel 12:1+118 12:1-100 (44486-44496, length 11) form oygegenhtai
    differing 30.00%
  providing cover 17.82%.

Statement q62_17022 connects
 SBLGNT Mark 14:27+58 14:27-18 (47406-47433) with
 LXX Zechariah 13:7+77 13:7-34 (21571-21611) based on
  introduction 14:27 14:27-46 (47348-47405) form kailegeiaytoisoihsoysotipantesskandalisuhsesueotigegraptai and
  clasp 14:27+58 14:27-27 (47406-47424, length 19) form patajvtonpoimenakai
   matches LXX Zechariah 13:7+77 13:7-52 (21571-21593, length 23) form patajatetoyspoimenaskai
    differing 40.91% and
  clasp 14:27+77 14:27-18 (47425-47433, length 9) form taprobata
   matches LXX Zechariah 13:7+109 13:7-34 (21603-21611, length 9) form taprobata
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q63_21041 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 2:23+29 2:23-10 (7753-7787) with
 LXX Exodus 13:12+10 13:12-91 (37462-37496) based on
  introduction 2:23 2:23-45 (7724-7752) form kauvsgegraptaiennomvkyrioyoti and
  clasp 2:23+29 2:23-22 (7753-7775, length 23) form panarsendianoigonmhtran
   matches LXX Exodus 13:12+10 13:12-98 (37462-37489, length 28) form pandianoigonmhtrantaarsenika
    differing 22.22% and
  clasp 2:23+52 2:23-10 (7776-7787, length 12) form agiontvkyriv
   matches LXX Exodus 13:12+121 13:12 (37573-37587, length 15) form agiaseistvkyriv
    differing 42.86%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q64_22031 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 2:24+47 2:24 (7845-7879) with
 LXX Leviticus 12:8+51 12:8-82 (33446-33478) based on
  introduction 2:24 2:24-35 (7798-7844) form kaitoydoynaiuysiankatatoeirhmenonentvnomvkyrioy and
  clasp 2:24+47 2:24 (7845-7879, length 35) form qeygostrygonvnhdyonossoysperistervn
   matches LXX Leviticus 12:8+51 12:8-82 (33446-33478, length 33) form dyotrygonashdyoneossoysperistervn
    differing 29.41%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q65_1242 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 3:4+40 3:6 (10561-10773) with
 LXX Isaiah 40:3 40:5-17 (78198-78437) based on
  introduction 3:4 3:4-72 (10521-10560) form vsgegraptaienbiblvlogvnhsaaoytoyprofhtoy and
  clasp 3:4+40 3:4 (10561-10632, length 72) form fvnhbovntosentherhmvetoimasatethnodonkyrioyeyueiaspoieitetastriboysaytoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:3 40:3-8 (78198-78267, length 70) form fvnhbovntosentherhmvetoimasatethnodonkyrioyeyueiaspoieitetastriboystoy
    differing 4.23% and
  clasp 3:5 3:5-44 (10633-10695, length 63) form pasafaragjplhrvuhsetaikaipanoroskaiboynostapeinvuhsetaikaiestai
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:4 40:4-42 (78276-78338, length 63) form pasafaragjplhrvuhsetaikaipanoroskaiboynostapeinvuhsetaikaiestai
    verbatim and
  clasp 3:5+63 3:5-23 (10696-10716, length 21) form taskoliaeiseyueiankai
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:4+68 40:4-16 (78344-78364, length 21) form taskoliaeiseyueiankai
    verbatim and
  clasp 3:6 3:6 (10740-10773, length 34) form kaiocetaipasasarjtosvthriontoyueoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:5+23 40:5-17 (78404-78437, length 34) form kaiocetaipasasarjtosvthriontoyueoy
  providing cover 89.20%.

Statement q66_24092 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 4:4+39 4:4 (13310-13338) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 8:3+92 8:3-62 (27883-27911) based on
  introduction 4:4 4:4-29 (13271-13309) form kaiapekriuhprosaytonoihsoysgegraptaioti and
  clasp 4:4+39 4:4 (13310-13338, length 29) form oykepartvmonvqhsetaioanurvpos
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 8:3+92 8:3-62 (27883-27911, length 29) form oykepartvmonvqhsetaioanurvpos
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q67_24102 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 4:8+38 4:8 (13596-13644) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 6:13 6:13-41 (22967-23007) based on
  introduction 4:8 4:8-49 (13558-13595) form kaiapokriueisoihsoyseipenaytvgegraptai and
  clasp 4:8+38 4:8-33 (13596-13611, length 16) form kyriontonueonsoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:13 6:13-66 (22967-22982, length 16) form kyriontonueonsoy
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:8+66 4:8-14 (13624-13630, length 7) form kaiaytv
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:13+24 6:13-51 (22991-22997, length 7) form kaiaytv
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:8+77 4:8 (13635-13644, length 10) form latreyseis
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:13+31 6:13-41 (22998-23007, length 10) form latreyseis
  providing cover 67.35%.

Statement q68_342 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 4:10+12 4:11 (13765-13874) with
 LXX Psalms 91:11 91:12 (107356-107479) based on
  introduction 4:10 4:10-52 (13753-13764) form gegraptaigar and
  clasp 4:10+12 4:10 (13765-13816, length 52) form otitoisaggeloisaytoyenteleitaiperisoytoydiafylajaise
   matches LXX Psalms 91:11 91:11-20 (107356-107407, length 52) form otitoisaggeloisaytoyenteleitaiperisoytoydiafylajaise
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:11+6 4:11 (13823-13874, length 52) form epixeirvnaroysinsemhpoteproskochsprosliuontonpodasoy
   matches LXX Psalms 91:12 91:12 (107428-107479, length 52) form epixeirvnaroysinsemhpoteproskochsprosliuontonpodasoy
  providing cover 94.55%.

Statement q69_24081 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 4:12+39 4:12 (13914-13943) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 6:16 6:16-33 (23212-23241) based on
  introduction 4:12 4:12-30 (13875-13913) form kaiapokriueiseipenaytvoihsoysotieirhtai and
  clasp 4:12+39 4:12 (13914-13943, length 30) form oykekpeiraseiskyriontonueonsoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:16 6:16-33 (23212-23241, length 30) form oykekpeiraseiskyriontonueonsoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q70_1401 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 4:18 4:19 (14360-14528) with
 LXX Isaiah 61:1 61:2-52 (121799-121971) based on
  introduction 4:17 4:17 (14273-14359) form kaiepedouhaytvbibliontoyprofhtoyhsaaoykaianaptyjastobiblioneyrentontoponoyhngegrammenon and
  clasp 4:18 4:18-74 (14360-14427, length 68) form pneymakyrioyepemeoyeinekenexrisenmeeyaggelisasuaiptvxoisapestalkenme
   matches LXX Isaiah 61:1 61:1-78 (121799-121866, length 68) form pneymakyrioyepemeoyeinekenexrisenmeeyaggelisasuaiptvxoisapestalkenme
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:18+68 4:18-31 (14428-14470, length 43) form khryjaiaixmalvtoisafesinkaityfloisanablecin
   matches LXX Isaiah 61:1+103 61:1 (121902-121944, length 43) form khryjaiaixmalvtoisafesinkaityfloisanablecin
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:18+111 4:18 (14471-14501, length 31) form aposteilaiteuraysmenoysenafesei
   matches LXX Isaiah 58:6+108 58:6-29 (116010-116039, length 30) form apostelleteuraysmenoysenafesei
    differing 16.67% and
  clasp 4:19+7 4:19 (14509-14528, length 20) form eniaytonkyrioydekton
   matches LXX Isaiah 61:2+7 61:2-52 (121952-121971, length 20) form eniaytonkyrioydekton
  providing cover 95.86%.

Statement q71_1461 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 4:18+111 4:18 (14471-14501) with
 LXX Isaiah 58:6+108 58:6-29 (116010-116039) based on
  no evidence.

Statement q72_21112 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 7:27+25 7:27-36 (27597-27636) with
 LXX Exodus 23:20+3 23:20-54 (66262-66304) based on
  introduction 7:27 7:27-76 (27572-27596) form oytosestinperioygegraptai and
  clasp 7:27+25 7:27-36 (27597-27636, length 40) form idoyapostellvtonaggelonmoyproprosvpoysoy
   matches LXX Exodus 23:20+3 23:20-54 (66262-66304, length 43) form idoyegvapostellvtonaggelonmoyproprosvpoysoy
    differing 9.52%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q73_1365 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 8:10+82 8:10 (30550-30590) with
 LXX Isaiah 6:9+39 6:9-12 (12447-12486) based on
  introduction 8:10+79 8:10-41 (30547-30549) form ina and
  clasp 8:10+82 8:10 (30550-30590, length 41) form blepontesmhblepvsinkaiakoyontesmhsynivsin
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:9+39 6:9-12 (12447-12486, length 40) form akoysetekaioymhsynhtekaiblepontesblecete
    differing 50.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q74_24172 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 10:27+18 10:27-28 (43043-43138) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 6:5+3 6:5-23 (22214-22277) and
 LXX Joshua 22:5+197 22:5-25 (60942-60958) based on
  introduction 10:26 10:27-124 (42974-43042) form odeeipenprosaytonentvnomvtigegraptaipvsanaginvskeisodeapokriueiseipen and
  clasp 10:27+18 10:27-63 (43043-43103, length 61) form agaphseiskyriontonueonsoyejolhsthskardiassoykaienolhthcyxhsoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 6:5+3 6:5-23 (22214-22277, length 64) form agaphseiskyriontonueonsoyejolhsthskardiassoykaiejolhsthscyxhssoy
    differing 11.11% and
  clasp 10:27+100 10:27-28 (43125-43138, length 14) form enolhthdianoia
   matches LXX Joshua 22:5+197 22:5-25 (60942-60958, length 17) form ejolhsthsdianoias
    differing 43.75%
  providing cover 78.12%.

Statement q75_22022 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 10:27+120 10:27 (43145-43166) with
 LXX Leviticus 19:18+66 19:18-13 (60921-60942) based on
  introduction 10:27+117 10:27-22 (43142-43144) form kai and
  clasp 10:27+120 10:27 (43145-43166, length 22) form tonplhsionsoyvsseayton
   matches LXX Leviticus 19:18+66 19:18-13 (60921-60942, length 22) form tonplhsionsoyvsseayton
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q76_21035 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 18:20+15 18:20 (70605-70678) with
 LXX Exodus 20:12 20:16-31 (57204-57362) based on
  introduction 18:20 18:20-74 (70590-70604) form tasentolasoidas and
  clasp 18:20+15 18:20-28 (70605-70650, length 46) form mhmoixeyshsmhfoneyshsmhklechsmhceydomartyrhshs
   matches LXX Exodus 20:13 20:16-31 (57313-57362, length 50) form oyfoneyseisoymoixeyseisoykleceisoyceydomartyrhseis
    differing 46.94% and
  clasp 18:20+61 18:20 (70651-70678, length 28) form timatonpaterasoykaithnmhtera
   matches LXX Exodus 20:12 20:12-81 (57204-57231, length 28) form timatonpaterasoykaithnmhtera
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q77_1313 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 19:46+29 19:46 (75718-75774) with
 LXX Isaiah 56:7+143 56:7-26 (112775-112796) and
 LXX Jeremiah 7:11+2 7:11-80 (19391-19404) based on
  introduction 19:46+11 19:46-66 (75700-75708) form gegraptai and
  clasp 19:46+20 19:46-63 (75709-75711, length 3) form kai
   matches LXX Isaiah 56:7+89 56:7-99 (112721-112723, length 3) form kai
    verbatim and
  clasp 19:46+23 19:46-58 (75712-75716, length 5) form estai
   matches LXX Isaiah 56:7+105 56:7-79 (112737-112743, length 7) form esontai
    differing 50.00% and
  clasp 19:46+28 19:46-35 (75717-75739, length 23) form ooikosmoyoikosproseyxhs
   matches LXX Isaiah 56:7+139 56:7-26 (112771-112796, length 26) form ogaroikosmoyoikosproseyxhs
    differing 16.00% and
  clasp 19:46+72 19:46 (75761-75774, length 14) form sphlaionlhstvn
   matches LXX Jeremiah 7:11+2 7:11-80 (19391-19404, length 14) form sphlaionlhstvn
  providing cover 68.18%.

Statement q78_463 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 20:17+50 20:17 (77307-77368) with
 LXX Psalms 118:22 (138495-138556) based on
  introduction 20:17+22 20:17-62 (77279-77306) form tioynestintogegrammenontoyto and
  clasp 20:17+50 20:17 (77307-77368, length 62) form liuononapedokimasanoioikodomoyntesoytosegenhuheiskefalhngvnias
   matches LXX Psalms 118:22 (138495-138556, length 62) form liuononapedokimasanoioikodomoyntesoytosegenhuheiskefalhngvnias
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q79_21133 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 20:37+64 20:37 (78894-78930) with
 LXX Exodus 3:6+33 3:6-70 (5011-5047) based on
  introduction 20:37 20:37-37 (78830-78893) form otideegeirontaioinekroikaimvyshsemhnysenepithsbatoyvslegeikyrion and
  clasp 20:37+64 20:37 (78894-78930, length 37) form tonueonabraamkaiueonisaakkaiueoniakvb
   matches LXX Exodus 3:6+33 3:6-70 (5011-5047, length 37) form soyueosabraamkaiueosisaakkaiueosiakvb
    differing 25.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q80_401 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 20:42+31 20:43 (79152-79229) with
 LXX Psalms 110:1+13 110:1 (132485-132563) based on
  introduction 20:42 20:42-37 (79121-79151) form aytosgardayidlegeienbiblvcalmvn and
  clasp 20:42+31 20:43 (79152-79229, length 78) form eipenkyriostvkyrivmoykauoyekdejivnmoyevsanuvtoysexuroyssoyypopodiontvnpodvnsoy
   matches LXX Psalms 110:1+13 110:1 (132485-132563, length 79) form eipenokyriostvkyrivmoykauoyekdejivnmoyevsanuvtoysexuroyssoyypopodiontvnpodvnsoy
    differing 2.56%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q81_1392 connects
 SBLGNT Luke 22:37+60 22:37-25 (85145-85158) with
 LXX Isaiah 53:12+98 53:12-61 (108735-108749) based on
  introduction 22:37 22:37-48 (85085-85135) form legvgaryminotitoytotogegrammenondeitelesuhnaienemoi and
  clasp 22:37+53 22:37-43 (85138-85140, length 3) form kai
   matches LXX Isaiah 53:12+89 53:12-82 (108726-108728, length 3) form kai
    verbatim and
  clasp 22:37+60 22:37-25 (85145-85158, length 14) form anomvnelogisuh
   matches LXX Isaiah 53:12+98 53:12-61 (108735-108749, length 15) form anomoiselogisuh
    differing 28.57%
  providing cover 80.95%.

Statement q82_1241 connects
 SBLGNT John 1:23+6 1:23-25 (1444-1484) with
 LXX Isaiah 40:3 40:3-35 (78198-78240) based on
  introduction 1:23+47 1:23 (1485-1509) form kauvseipenhsaaasoprofhths and
  clasp 1:23+6 1:23-25 (1444-1484, length 41) form fvnhbovntosentherhmveyuynatethnodonkyrioy
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:3 40:3-35 (78198-78240, length 43) form fvnhbovntosentherhmvetoimasatethnodonkyrioy
    differing 16.67%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q83_271 connects
 SBLGNT John 2:17+43 2:17 (5188-5217) with
 LXX Psalms 69:9+3 69:9-45 (75407-75434) based on
  introduction 2:17+27 2:17-30 (5172-5187) form gegrammenonestin and
  clasp 2:17+43 2:17 (5188-5217, length 30) form oqhlostoyoikoysoykatafagetaime
   matches LXX Psalms 69:9+3 69:9-45 (75407-75434, length 28) form oqhlostoyoikoysoykatefagenme
    differing 20.69%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q84_481 connects
 SBLGNT John 6:31+56 6:31 (19245-19279) with
 LXX Psalms 78:24+21 78:24 (88926-88958) based on
  introduction 6:31+35 6:31-35 (19224-19244) form kauvsestingegrammenon and
  clasp 6:31+56 6:31 (19245-19279, length 35) form artonektoyoyranoyedvkenaytoisfagein
   matches LXX Psalms 78:24+21 78:24 (88926-88958, length 33) form fageinkaiartonoyranoyedvkenaytois
    differing 20.59%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q85_1411 connects
 SBLGNT John 6:45+31 6:45-46 (20371-20398) with
 LXX Isaiah 54:13 54:13-26 (109994-110027) based on
  introduction 6:45 6:45-74 (20340-20370) form estingegrammenonentoisprofhtais and
  clasp 6:45+31 6:45-71 (20371-20373, length 3) form kai
   matches LXX Isaiah 54:13 54:13-57 (109994-109996, length 3) form kai
    verbatim and
  clasp 6:45+41 6:45-58 (20381-20386, length 6) form pantes
   matches LXX Isaiah 54:13+3 54:13-51 (109997-110002, length 6) form pantas
    differing 40.00% and
  clasp 6:45+47 6:45-46 (20387-20398, length 12) form didaktoiueoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 54:13+21 54:13-26 (110015-110027, length 13) form didaktoysueoy
    differing 25.00%
  providing cover 75.00%.

Statement q86_321 connects
 SBLGNT John 10:34+55 10:34 (36125-36139) with
 LXX Psalms 82:6 82:6-20 (96137-96151) based on
  introduction 10:34+21 10:34-15 (36091-36124) form oykestingegrammenonentvnomvymvnoti and
  clasp 10:34+55 10:34 (36125-36139, length 15) form egveipaueoieste
   matches LXX Psalms 82:6 82:6-20 (96137-96151, length 15) form egveipaueoieste
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q87_17012 connects
 SBLGNT John 12:15+7 12:15-4 (42229-42279) with
 LXX Zechariah 9:9+11 9:9 (14359-14481) based on
  introduction 12:14 12:14 (42166-42221) form eyrvndeoihsoysonarionekauisenepaytokauvsestingegrammenon and
  clasp 12:15+7 12:15-44 (42229-42239, length 11) form uygathrsivn
   matches LXX Zechariah 9:9+11 9:9-112 (14359-14369, length 11) form uygatersivn
    differing 20.00% and
  clasp 12:15+18 12:15-21 (42240-42262, length 23) form idoyobasileyssoyerxetai
   matches LXX Zechariah 9:9+46 9:9-65 (14394-14416, length 23) form idoyobasileyssoyerxetai
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:15+50 12:15-9 (42272-42274, length 3) form epi
   matches LXX Zechariah 9:9+110 9:9-21 (14458-14460, length 3) form epi
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:15+53 12:15-4 (42275-42279, length 5) form pvlon
   matches LXX Zechariah 9:9+125 9:9-4 (14473-14477, length 5) form pvlon
  providing cover 82.35%.

Statement q88_1092 connects
 SBLGNT John 12:38+40 12:38 (44176-44234) with
 LXX Isaiah 53:1 53:1 (107401-107459) based on
  introduction 12:38 12:38-59 (44136-44175) form inaologoshsaaoytoyprofhtoyplhrvuhoneipen and
  clasp 12:38+40 12:38 (44176-44234, length 59) form kyrietisepisteysenthakohhmvnkaiobraxivnkyrioytiniapekalyfuh
   matches LXX Isaiah 53:1 (107401-107459, length 59) form kyrietisepisteysenthakohhmvnkaiobraxivnkyrioytiniapekalyfuh
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q89_1361 connects
 SBLGNT John 12:40+10 12:40 (44292-44406) with
 LXX Isaiah 6:10+63 6:10 (12562-12682) based on
  introduction 12:39 12:39 (44235-44281) form diatoytooykhdynantopisteyeinotipalineipenhsaaas and
  clasp 12:40+10 12:40-97 (44292-44309, length 18) form aytvntoysofualmoys
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:10+63 6:10-103 (12562-12579, length 18) form toysofualmoysaytvn
    differing 5.88% and
  clasp 12:40+59 12:40-44 (44341-44362, length 22) form idvsintoisofualmoiskai
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:10+96 6:10-66 (12595-12616, length 22) form idvsintoisofualmoiskai
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:40+89 12:40-28 (44371-44378, length 8) form thkardia
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:10+138 6:10-38 (12637-12644, length 8) form thkardia
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:40+97 12:40 (44379-44406, length 28) form kaistrafvsinkaiiasomaiaytoys
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:10+153 6:10 (12652-12682, length 31) form kaiepistrecvsinkaiiasomaiaytoys
    differing 20.00%
  providing cover 66.09%.

Statement q90_221 connects
 SBLGNT John 13:18+68 13:18-7 (46597-46626) with
 LXX Psalms 41:9+45 41:9-5 (45860-45888) based on
  introduction 13:18+42 13:18-44 (46571-46589) form allinahgrafhplhrvuh and
  clasp 13:18+68 13:18-26 (46597-46607, length 11) form moytonarton
   matches LXX Psalms 41:9+45 41:9-25 (45860-45868, length 9) form artoysmoy
    differing 50.00% and
  clasp 13:18+85 13:18-7 (46614-46626, length 13) form epemethnptern
   matches LXX Psalms 41:9+64 41:9-5 (45879-45888, length 10) form epemeptern
    differing 33.33%
  providing cover 80.00%.

Statement q91_391 connects
 SBLGNT John 15:25+47 15:25 (52593-52608) with
 LXX Psalms 109:3+29 109:3 (130555-130572) based on
  introduction 15:25 15:25-16 (52546-52592) form allinaplhrvuhologosoentvnomvaytvngegrammenosoti and
  clasp 15:25+48 15:25-12 (52594-52596, length 3) form mis
   matches LXX Psalms 109:3+9 109:3-35 (130535-130537, length 3) form mis
    verbatim and
  clasp 15:25+51 15:25 (52597-52608, length 12) form hsanmedvrean
   matches LXX Psalms 109:3+35 109:3 (130561-130572, length 12) form hsanmedvrean
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q92_142 connects
 SBLGNT John 19:24+89 19:24-31 (63442-63504) with
 LXX Psalms 22:18 (21364-21426) based on
  introduction 19:24+65 19:24-94 (63418-63441) form inahgrafhplhrvuhhlegoysa and
  clasp 19:24+89 19:24-31 (63442-63504, length 63) form diemerisantotaimatiamoyeaytoiskaiepitonimatismonmoyebalonklhron
   matches LXX Psalms 22:18 (21364-21426, length 63) form diemerisantotaimatiamoyeaytoiskaiepitonimatismonmoyebalonklhron
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q93_21141 connects
 SBLGNT John 19:36+31 19:36 (64533-64558) with
 LXX Exodus 12:10+30 12:10-48 (31881-31905) based on
  introduction 19:36 19:36-26 (64502-64532) form egenetogartaytainahgrafhplhrvuh and
  clasp 19:36+31 19:36 (64533-64558, length 26) form ostoynoysyntribhsetaiaytoy
   matches LXX Exodus 12:10+30 12:10-48 (31881-31905, length 25) form ostoynoysyntriceteapaytoy
    differing 28.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q94_301 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 1:20+25 1:20 (2052-2134) with
 LXX Psalms 69:25 (76594-76662) and
 LXX Psalms 109:8+30 109:8 (130835-130865) based on
  introduction 1:20 1:20-83 (2027-2051) form gegraptaigarenbiblvcalmvn and
  clasp 1:20+25 1:20-53 (2052-2081, length 30) form genhuhtvhepaylisaytoyerhmoskai
   matches LXX Psalms 69:25 69:25-36 (76594-76626, length 33) form genhuhtvhepaylisaytvnhrhmvmenhkai
    differing 31.25% and
  clasp 1:20+55 1:20-38 (2082-2096, length 15) form mhestvokatoikvn
   matches LXX Psalms 69:25+54 69:25 (76648-76662, length 15) form mhestvokatoikvn
    verbatim and
  clasp 1:20+76 1:20 (2103-2134, length 32) form kaithnepiskophnaytoylabetveteros
   matches LXX Psalms 109:8+30 109:8 (130835-130865, length 31) form kaithnepiskophnaytoylaboieteros
    differing 12.90%
  providing cover 92.77%.

Statement q95_14012 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 2:17 2:21 (3969-4479) with
 LXX Joel 2:28 2:32-103 (5165-5614) based on
  introduction 2:17+29 2:17-158 (3998-4007) form legeioueos and
  clasp 2:17 2:17-189 (3969-3976, length 8) form kaiestai
   matches LXX Joel 2:28 2:28-168 (5165-5172, length 8) form kaiestai
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:17+3 2:17-168 (3972-3997, length 26) form estaientaisesxataishmerais
   matches LXX Isaiah 2:2+3 2:2-106 (3074-3099, length 26) form estaientaisesxataishmerais
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:17+39 2:21 (4008-4479, length 472) form ekxevapotoypneymatosmoyepipasansarkakaiprofhteysoysinoiyioiymvnkaiaiuygateresymvnkaioineaniskoiymvnoraseisocontaikaioipresbyteroiymvnenypnioisenypniasuhsontaikaigeepitoysdoyloysmoykaiepitasdoylasmoyentaishmeraisekeinaisekxevapotoypneymatosmoykaiprofhteysoysinkaidvsvterataentvoyranvanvkaishmeiaepithsghskatvaimakaipyrkaiatmidakapnoyohliosmetastrafhsetaieisskotoskaihselhnheisaimaprinhelueinhmerankyrioythnmegalhnkaiepifanhkaiestaipasoseanepikaleshtaitoonomakyrioysvuhsetai
   matches LXX Joel 2:28+20 2:32-103 (5185-5614, length 430) form ekxevapotoypneymatosmoyepipasansarkakaiprofhteysoysinoiyioiymvnkaiaiuygateresymvnkaioipresbyteroiymvnenypniaenypniasuhsontaikaioineaniskoiymvnoraseisocontaikaiepitoysdoyloyskaiepitasdoylasentaishmeraisekeinaisekxevapotoypneymatosmoykaidvsvterataentvoyranvkaiepithsghsaimakaipyrkaiatmidakapnoyohliosmetastrafhsetaieisskotoskaihselhnheisaimaprinelueinhmerankyrioythnmegalhnkaiepifanhkaiestaipasosanepikaleshtaitoonomakyrioysvuhsetai
    differing 9.98%
  providing cover 98.04%.

Statement q96_1481 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 2:17+3 2:17-168 (3972-3997) with
 LXX Isaiah 2:2+3 2:2-106 (3074-3099) based on
  no evidence.

Statement q97_111 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 2:25+21 2:28 (4835-5120) with
 LXX Psalms 16:8 16:11-31 (12493-12778) based on
  introduction 2:25 2:25-68 (4814-4834) form dayidgarlegeieisayton and
  clasp 2:25+21 2:28 (4835-5120, length 286) form proorvmhntonkyrionenvpionmoydiapantosotiekdejivnmoyestininamhsaleyuvdiatoytohyfranuhhkardiamoykaihgalliasatohglvssamoyetidekaihsarjmoykataskhnvseiepelpidiotioykegkataleiceisthncyxhnmoyeisadhnoydedvseistonosionsoyideindiafuoranegnvrisasmoiodoysqvhsplhrvseismeeyfrosynhsmetatoyprosvpoysoy
   matches LXX Psalms 16:8 16:11-31 (12493-12778, length 286) form provrvmhntonkyrionenvpionmoydiapantosotiekdejivnmoyestininamhsaleyuvdiatoytohyfranuhhkardiamoykaihgalliasatohglvssamoyetidekaihsarjmoykataskhnvseiepelpidiotioykegkataleiceisthncyxhnmoyeisadhnoydedvseistonosionsoyideindiafuoranegnvrisasmoiodoysqvhsplhrvseismeeyfrosynhsmetatoyprosvpoysoy
    differing 0.70%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q98_501 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 2:30 2:30-5 (5257-5345) with
 LXX Psalms 132:11 132:11-3 (154585-154671) based on
  introduction 2:30 2:30-61 (5257-5289) form profhthsoynyparxvnkaieidvsotiorkv and
  clasp 2:30+33 2:30-55 (5290-5295, length 6) form vmosen
   matches LXX Psalms 132:11 132:11-84 (154585-154590, length 6) form vmosen
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:30+48 2:30-35 (5305-5315, length 11) form ekkarpoyths
   matches LXX Psalms 132:11+47 132:11-32 (154632-154642, length 11) form ekkarpoyths
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:30+77 2:30-5 (5334-5345, length 12) form epitonuronon
   matches LXX Psalms 132:11+75 132:11-3 (154660-154671, length 12) form epitonuronon
  providing cover 51.79%.

Statement q99_402 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 2:34+42 2:35 (5656-5734) with
 LXX Psalms 110:1+13 110:1 (132485-132563) based on
  introduction 2:34 2:34-38 (5614-5655) form oygardayidanebheistoysoyranoyslegeideaytos and
  clasp 2:34+42 2:35 (5656-5734, length 79) form eipenokyriostvkyrivmoykauoyekdejivnmoyevsanuvtoysexuroyssoyypopodiontvnpodvnsoy
   matches LXX Psalms 110:1+13 110:1 (132485-132563, length 79) form eipenokyriostvkyrivmoykauoyekdejivnmoyevsanuvtoysexuroyssoyypopodiontvnpodvnsoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q100_24191 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 3:22+17 3:22-51 (8827-8870) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 18:18 18:18-28 (58142-58229) based on
  introduction 3:22 3:22-95 (8810-8826) form mvyshsmeneipenoti and
  clasp 3:22+17 3:22-87 (8827-8834, length 8) form profhthn
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 18:18 18:18-108 (58142-58149, length 8) form profhthn
    verbatim and
  clasp 3:22+29 3:22-74 (8839-8847, length 9) form anasthsei
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 18:18+8 18:18-100 (58150-58157, length 8) form anasthsv
    differing 25.00% and
  clasp 3:22+49 3:22-51 (8859-8870, length 12) form ektvnadelfvn
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 18:18+22 18:18-82 (58164-58175, length 12) form ektvnadelfvn
  providing cover 65.91%.

Statement q101_20161 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 3:25+88 3:25 (9167-9220) with
 LXX Genesis 28:14+98 28:14 (76468-76524) based on
  introduction 3:25 3:25-54 (9079-9166) form ymeisesteoiyioitvnprofhtvnkaithsdiauhkhshsdieuetooueosprostoyspaterasymvnlegvnprosabraam and
  clasp 3:25+88 3:25 (9167-9220, length 54) form kaientvspermatisoyeneyloghuhsontaipasaiaipatriaithsghs
   matches LXX Genesis 28:14+98 28:14 (76468-76524, length 57) form eneyloghuhsontaiensoipasaiaifylaithsghskaientvspermatisoy
    differing 17.86%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q102_11 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 4:25+58 4:26 (11601-11731) with
 LXX Psalms 2:1 2:2-8 (502-632) based on
  introduction 4:25 4:25-38 (11543-11600) form otoypatroshmvndiapneymatosagioystomatosdayidpaidossoyeipvn and
  clasp 4:25+58 4:26 (11601-11731, length 131) form inatiefryajaneunhkailaoiemelethsankenaparesthsanoibasileisthsghskaioiarxontessynhxuhsanepitoaytokatatoykyrioykaikatatoyxristoyaytoy
   matches LXX Psalms 2:1 2:2-8 (502-632, length 131) form inatiefryajaneunhkailaoiemelethsankenaparesthsanoibasileisthsghskaioiarxontessynhxuhsanepitoaytokatatoykyrioykaikatatoyxristoyaytoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q103_20171 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:3+17 7:3 (18379-18445) with
 LXX Genesis 12:1+21 12:1 (27636-27719) based on
  introduction 7:2 7:3-67 (18244-18378) form odeefhandresadelfoikaipateresakoysateoueosthsdojhsvfuhtvpatrihmvnabraamontienthmesopotamiaprinhkatoikhsaiaytonenxarrankaieipenprosayton and
  clasp 7:3+17 7:3-26 (18379-18419, length 41) form ejelueekthsghssoykaiekthssyggeneiassoykai
   matches LXX Genesis 12:1+21 12:1-43 (27636-27676, length 41) form ejelueekthsghssoykaiekthssyggeneiassoykai
    verbatim and
  clasp 7:3+63 7:3 (18425-18445, length 21) form eisthnghnhnansoideijv
   matches LXX Genesis 12:1+84 12:1 (27699-27719, length 21) form eisthnghnhnansoideijv
  providing cover 92.54%.

Statement q104_20191 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:5+87 7:5-18 (18663-18689) with
 LXX Genesis 17:19+130 17:19 (39279-39305) based on
  introduction 7:5+49 7:5-72 (18625-18635) form ephggeilato and
  clasp 7:5+87 7:5-18 (18663-18689, length 27) form nkaitvspermatiaytoymetayton
   matches LXX Genesis 17:19+130 17:19 (39279-39305, length 27) form nkaitvspermatiaytoymetayton
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q105_20181 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:6+41 7:7-31 (18749-18880) with
 LXX Genesis 15:13+34 15:14-22 (35016-35179) based on
  introduction 7:6 7:6-85 (18708-18727) form elalhsendeoytvsoueos and
  introduction 7:7+34 7:7-55 (18847-18856) form oueoseipen and
  clasp 7:6+20 7:7-65 (18728-18846, length 119) form otiestaitospermaaytoyparoikonenghallotriakaidoylvsoysinaytokaikakvsoysinethtetrakosiakaitoeunosveandoyleysoysinkrinvegv
   matches LXX Genesis 15:13+31 15:14-45 (35013-35156, length 144) form otiparoikonestaitospermasoyenghoykidiakaidoylvsoysinaytoyskaikakvsoysinaytoyskaitapeinvsoysinaytoystetrakosiaethtodeeunosveandoyleysvsinkrinvegv
    differing 27.27% and
  clasp 7:7+47 7:7-31 (18860-18880, length 21) form metataytaejeleysontai
   matches LXX Genesis 15:14+32 15:14-22 (35157-35179, length 23) form metadetaytaejeleysontai
    differing 13.64%
  providing cover 91.50%.

Statement q106_20211 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:17+59 7:17-9 (19810-19833) with
 LXX Genesis 47:27+68 47:27-6 (142227-142250) based on
  introduction 7:17 7:17-33 (19751-19809) form kauvsdehggiqenoxronosthsepaggeliashsvmologhsenoueostvabraam and
  clasp 7:17+59 7:17-9 (19810-19833, length 24) form hyjhsenolaoskaieplhuynuh
   matches LXX Genesis 47:27+68 47:27-6 (142227-142250, length 24) form hyjhuhsankaieplhuynuhsan
    differing 34.78%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q107_21181 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:18+6 7:18 (19849-19895) with
 LXX Exodus 1:8 1:8 (398-446) based on
  introduction 7:18 7:18-47 (19843-19848) form axrioy and
  clasp 7:18+6 7:18 (19849-19895, length 47) form anesthbasileyseterosepaigyptonosoykhdeitonivshf
   matches LXX Exodus 1:8 1:8 (398-446, length 49) form anesthdebasileyseterosepaigyptonosoykhdeitonivshf
    differing 6.25%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q108_21191 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:23+74 7:23 (20284-20315) with
 LXX Exodus 2:11+72 2:11-93 (2924-2955) based on
  introduction 7:23+39 7:23-44 (20249-20271) form anebhepithnkardianaytoy and
  clasp 7:23+74 7:23 (20284-20315, length 32) form toysadelfoysaytoytoysyioysisrahl
   matches LXX Exodus 2:11+72 2:11-93 (2924-2955, length 32) form toysadelfoysaytoytoysyioysisrahl
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q109_21201 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:24+64 7:24 (20380-20398) with
 LXX Exodus 2:12+40 2:12-20 (3089-3107) based on
  introduction 7:24 7:24-61 (20316-20337) form kaiidvntinaadikoymenon and
  clasp 7:24+64 7:24 (20380-20398, length 19) form patajastonaigyption
   matches LXX Exodus 2:12+40 2:12-20 (3089-3107, length 19) form patajastonaigyption
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q110_21134 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:32 7:34 (20953-21242) with
 LXX Exodus 3:5+20 3:10-48 (4919-5608) based on
  introduction 7:31 7:31 (20877-20952) form odemvyshsidvneuaymasentooramaproserxomenoydeaytoykatanohsaiegenetofvnhkyrioy and
  introduction 7:32+48 7:33-55 (21001-21062) form entromosdegenomenosmvyshsoyketolmakatanohsaieipendeaytvokyrios and
  clasp 7:32 7:32-44 (20953-21000, length 48) form egvoueostvnpatervnsoyoueosabraamkaiisaakkaiiakvb
   matches LXX Exodus 3:6+12 3:6-70 (4990-5047, length 58) form egveimioueostoypatrossoyueosabraamkaiueosisaakkaiueosiakvb
    differing 40.35% and
  clasp 7:33+18 7:33 (21063-21117, length 55) form lysontoypodhmatvnpodvnsoyogartoposefvesthkasghagiaestin
   matches LXX Exodus 3:5+20 3:5 (4919-4977, length 59) form lysaitoypodhmaektvnpodvnsoyogartoposenvsyesthkasghagiaestin
    differing 18.97% and
  clasp 7:34 7:34-81 (21118-21161, length 44) form idvneidonthnkakvsintoylaoymoytoyenaigyptvkai
   matches LXX Exodus 3:7+23 3:7-59 (5141-5184, length 44) form idvneidonthnkakvsintoylaoymoytoyenaigyptvkai
    verbatim and
  clasp 7:34+67 7:34-33 (21185-21209, length 25) form kaikatebhnejelesuaiaytoys
   matches LXX Exodus 3:8 3:8-207 (5244-5268, length 25) form kaikatebhnejelesuaiaytoys
    verbatim and
  clasp 7:34+92 7:34-11 (21210-21231, length 22) form kainyndeyroaposteilvse
   matches LXX Exodus 3:10 3:10-72 (5563-5584, length 22) form kainyndeyroaposteilvse
    verbatim and
  clasp 7:34+117 7:34 (21235-21242, length 8) form aigypton
   matches LXX Exodus 3:10+38 3:10-48 (5601-5608, length 8) form aigyptoy
    differing 14.29%
  providing cover 69.66%.

Statement q111_24201 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:37+38 7:37 (21525-21571) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 18:15 18:15-31 (57869-57905) based on
  introduction 7:37 7:37-47 (21487-21524) form oytosestinomvyshsoeipastoisyioisisrahl and
  clasp 7:37+38 7:37-39 (21525-21532, length 8) form profhthn
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 18:15 18:15-60 (57869-57876, length 8) form profhthn
    verbatim and
  clasp 7:37+50 7:37-26 (21537-21545, length 9) form anasthsei
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 18:15+28 18:15-31 (57897-57905, length 9) form anasthsei
    verbatim and
  clasp 7:37+64 7:37-9 (21551-21562, length 12) form ektvnadelfvn
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 18:15+8 18:15-48 (57877-57888, length 12) form ektvnadelfvn
    verbatim and
  clasp 7:37+80 7:37 (21567-21571, length 5) form vseme
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 18:15+23 18:15-40 (57892-57896, length 5) form vseme
  providing cover 72.34%.

Statement q112_16011 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:42+93 7:43-9 (22107-22287) with
 LXX Amos 5:25 5:27-45 (9155-9335) based on
  introduction 7:42+61 7:42-67 (22075-22106) form kauvsgegraptaienbiblvtvnprofhtvn and
  clasp 7:42+93 7:43-9 (22107-22287, length 181) form mhsfagiakaiuysiasproshnegkatemoiethtesserakontaentherhmvoikosisrahlkaianelabetethnskhnhntoymoloxkaitoastrontoyueoyraifantoystypoysoysepoihsateproskyneinaytoiskaimetoikivymasepekeina
   matches LXX Amos 5:25 5:27-45 (9155-9335, length 181) form mhsfagiakaiuysiasproshnegkatemoientherhmvtessarakontaethoikosisrahlkaianelabetethnskhnhntoymoloxkaitoastrontoyueoyymvnraifantoystypoysaytvnoysepoihsateeaytoiskaimetoikivymasepekeina
    differing 9.44%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q113_1421 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 7:49 7:50 (22671-22804) with
 LXX Isaiah 41:20+50 41:20-28 (82440-82467) and
 LXX Isaiah 66:1+5 66:2-105 (130323-130454) based on
  introduction 7:48+37 7:48 (22652-22670) form kauvsoprofhthslegei and
  clasp 7:49 7:50 (22671-22804, length 134) form ooyranosmoiuronoshdeghypopodiontvnpodvnmoypoionoikonoikodomhsetemoilegeikyrioshtistoposthskatapaysevsmoyoyxihxeirmoyepoihsentaytapanta
   matches LXX Isaiah 66:1+5 66:2-105 (130323-130454, length 132) form legeikyriosooyranosmoiuronoshdeghypopodiontvnpodvnmoypoionoikonoikodomhsetemoihpoiostoposthskatapaysevsmoypantagartaytaepoihsenhxeir
    differing 11.28% and
  clasp 7:50+5 7:50 (22780-22804, length 25) form xeirmoyepoihsentaytapanta
   matches LXX Isaiah 41:20+50 41:20-28 (82440-82467, length 28) form xeirkyrioyepoihsentaytapanta
    differing 18.52%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q114_1431 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 8:32+38 8:33 (26456-26631) with
 LXX Isaiah 53:7+40 53:8-37 (108067-108242) based on
  introduction 8:32 8:32-91 (26418-26455) form hdeperioxhthsgrafhshnaneginvskenhnayth and
  clasp 8:32+38 8:33 (26456-26631, length 176) form vsprobatonepisfaghnhxuhkaivsamnosenantiontoykeirantosaytonafvnosoytvsoykanoigeitostomaaytoyenthtapeinvseihkrisisaytoyhruhthngeneanaytoytisdihghsetaiotiairetaiapothsghshqvhaytoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 53:7+40 53:8-37 (108067-108242, length 176) form vsprobatonepisfaghnhxuhkaivsamnosenantiontoykeirontosaytonafvnosoytvsoykanoigeitostomaaytoyenthtapeinvseihkrisisaytoyhruhthngeneanaytoytisdihghsetaiotiairetaiapothsghshqvhaytoy
    differing 1.14%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q115_511 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 13:22+68 13:22-58 (42868-42880) with
 LXX Psalms 89:20 89:20-34 (103496-103508) based on
  introduction 13:22+53 13:22-71 (42853-42867) form eipenmartyrhsas and
  clasp 13:22+68 13:22-58 (42868-42880, length 13) form eyrondayidton
   matches LXX Psalms 89:20 89:20-34 (103496-103508, length 13) form eyrondayidton
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q116_21 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 13:33+88 13:33 (43856-43887) with
 LXX Psalms 2:7+44 2:7 (922-953) based on
  introduction 13:33+61 13:33-32 (43829-43855) form entvcalmvgegraptaitvdeyterv and
  clasp 13:33+88 13:33 (43856-43887, length 32) form yiosmoyeisyegvshmerongegennhkase
   matches LXX Psalms 2:7+44 2:7 (922-953, length 32) form yiosmoyeisyegvshmerongegennhkase
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q117_1441 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 13:34+83 13:34 (43971-43992) with
 LXX Isaiah 55:3+106 55:3 (110791-110827) based on
  introduction 13:34 13:34-26 (43888-43966) form otideanesthsenaytoneknekrvnmhketimellontaypostrefeineisdiafuoranoytvseirhkenoti and
  clasp 13:34+83 13:34-18 (43971-43974, length 4) form ymin
   matches LXX Isaiah 55:3+106 55:3-33 (110791-110794, length 4) form ymin
    verbatim and
  clasp 13:34+87 13:34 (43975-43992, length 18) form taosiadayidtapista
   matches LXX Isaiah 55:3+125 55:3 (110810-110827, length 18) form taosiadayidtapista
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q118_112 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 13:35+20 13:35 (44013-44045) with
 LXX Psalms 16:10+37 16:10 (12684-12718) based on
  introduction 13:35 13:35-33 (43993-44012) form diotikaienetervlegei and
  clasp 13:35+20 13:35 (44013-44045, length 33) form oydvseistonosionsoyideindiafuoran
   matches LXX Psalms 16:10+37 16:10 (12684-12718, length 35) form oydedvseistonosionsoyideindiafuoran
    differing 5.88%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q119_10021 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 13:41 13:41-4 (44377-44493) with
 LXX Habakkuk 1:5 (343-477) based on
  introduction 13:40 13:40 (44333-44376) form blepeteoynmhepeluhtoeirhmenonentoisprofhtais and
  clasp 13:41 13:41-4 (44377-44493, length 117) form ideteoikatafronhtaikaiuaymasatekaiafanisuhteotiergonergaqomaiegventaishmeraisymvnergonooymhpisteyshteeantisekdihghtai
   matches LXX Habakkuk 1:5 (343-477, length 135) form ideteoikatafronhtaikaiepiblecatekaiuaymasateuaymasiakaiafanisuhtediotiergonegvergaqomaientaishmeraisymvnooymhpisteyshteeantisekdihghtai
    differing 17.91%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q120_1451 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 13:47+29 13:47 (45085-45141) with
 LXX Isaiah 49:6+104 49:6 (99422-99495) based on
  introduction 13:47 13:47-57 (45056-45084) form oytvsgarentetaltaihminokyrios and
  clasp 13:47+29 13:47-45 (45085-45096, length 12) form teueikaseeis
   matches LXX Isaiah 49:6+104 49:6-62 (99422-99433, length 12) form teueikaseeis
    verbatim and
  clasp 13:47+38 13:47 (45094-45141, length 48) form eisfvseunvntoyeinaiseeissvthrianevsesxatoythsghs
   matches LXX Isaiah 49:6+130 49:6 (99448-99495, length 48) form eisfvseunvntoyeinaiseeissvthrianevsesxatoythsghs
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q121_16021 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 15:16+9 15:17 (49607-49825) with
 LXX Amos 9:11+15 9:12 (15431-15681) based on
  introduction 15:15 15:15 (49547-49597) form kaitoytvsymfvnoysinoilogoitvnprofhtvnkauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 15:16+9 15:16-16 (49607-49691, length 85) form anastrecvkaianoikodomhsvthnskhnhndayidthnpeptvkyiankaitakateskammenaaythsanoikodomhsv
   matches LXX Amos 9:11+15 9:11-27 (15431-15541, length 111) form anasthsvthnskhnhndayidthnpeptvkyiankaianoikodomhsvtapeptvkotaaythskaitakateskammenaaythsanasthsvkaianoikodomhsv
    differing 27.27% and
  clasp 15:17 15:17 (49708-49825, length 118) form opvsanekqhthsvsinoikataloipoitvnanurvpvntonkyrionkaipantataeunhefoysepikeklhtaitoonomamoyepaytoyslegeikyriospoivntayta
   matches LXX Amos 9:12 9:12 (15569-15681, length 113) form opvsekqhthsvsinoikataloipoitvnanurvpvnkaipantataeunhefoysepikeklhtaitoonomamoyepaytoyslegeikyriosoueosopoivntayta
    differing 11.11%
  providing cover 92.69%.

Statement q122_21171 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 23:5+59 23:5 (76956-76985) with
 LXX Exodus 22:28+22 22:28 (64257-64286) based on
  introduction 23:5+44 23:5-30 (76941-76955) form gegraptaigaroti and
  clasp 23:5+59 23:5 (76956-76985, length 30) form arxontatoylaoysoyoykereiskakvs
   matches LXX Exodus 22:28+22 22:28 (64257-64286, length 30) form arxontastoylaoysoyoykakvsereis
    differing 10.34%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q123_1362 connects
 SBLGNT Acts 28:26+5 28:27 (95141-95409) with
 LXX Isaiah 6:9+8 6:10 (12416-12682) based on
  introduction 28:25+63 28:26-90 (95069-95140) form kalvstopneymatoagionelalhsendiahsaaoytoyprofhtoyprostoyspaterasymvnlegvn and
  clasp 28:26+5 28:27 (95141-95409, length 269) form poreyuhtiprostonlaontoytonkaieiponakohakoysetekaioymhsynhtekaiblepontesblecetekaioymhidhteepaxynuhgarhkardiatoylaoytoytoykaitoisvsinbarevshkoysankaitoysofualmoysaytvnekammysanmhpoteidvsintoisofualmoiskaitoisvsinakoysvsinkaithkardiasynvsinkaiepistrecvsinkaiiasomaiaytoys
   matches LXX Isaiah 6:9+8 6:10 (12416-12682, length 267) form poreyuhtikaieipontvlavtoytvakohakoysetekaioymhsynhtekaiblepontesblecetekaioymhidhteepaxynuhgarhkardiatoylaoytoytoykaitoisvsinaytvnbarevshkoysankaitoysofualmoysaytvnekammysanmhpoteidvsintoisofualmoiskaitoisvsinakoysvsinkaithkardiasynvsinkaiepistrecvsinkaiiasomaiaytoys
    differing 4.85%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q124_10011 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 1:17+68 1:17 (1330-1355) with
 LXX Habakkuk 2:4+39 2:4 (2127-2155) based on
  introduction 1:17 1:17-26 (1262-1329) form dikaiosynhgarueoyenaytvapokalyptetaiekpistevseispistinkauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 1:17+68 1:17 (1330-1355, length 26) form odedikaiosekpistevsqhsetai
   matches LXX Habakkuk 2:4+39 2:4 (2127-2155, length 29) form odedikaiosekpistevsmoyqhsetai
    differing 14.29%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q125_1033 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 2:24 2:24-14 (4582-4629) with
 LXX Isaiah 52:5+90 52:5 (106357-106406) based on
  introduction 2:24+2 2:24-57 (4584-4586) form gar and
  introduction 2:24+48 2:24 (4630-4643) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 2:24 2:24-60 (4582-4583, length 2) form to
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:5+105 52:5-33 (106372-106373, length 2) form to
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:24+5 2:24-52 (4587-4591, length 5) form onoma
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:5+107 52:5-28 (106374-106378, length 5) form onoma
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:24+17 2:24-39 (4599-4604, length 6) form diymas
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:5+90 52:5-44 (106357-106362, length 6) form diymas
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:24+23 2:24-14 (4605-4629, length 25) form blasfhmeitaientoiseunesin
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:5+115 52:5 (106382-106406, length 25) form blasfhmeitaientoiseunesin
  providing cover 79.17%.

Statement q126_251 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 3:4+63 3:4 (5291-5346) with
 LXX Psalms 51:4+43 51:4 (56557-56611) based on
  introduction 3:4+49 3:4-56 (5277-5290) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 3:4+63 3:4 (5291-5346, length 56) form opvsandikaivuhsentoislogoissoykainikhseisentvkrinesuaise
   matches LXX Psalms 51:4+43 51:4 (56557-56611, length 55) form opvsandikaivuhsentoislogoissoykainikhshsentvkrinesuaise
    differing 5.45%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q127_51 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 3:10+17 3:18 (5770-6132) with
 LXX Psalms 14:2+59 14:3 (10900-11228) and
 LXX Ecclesiastes 7:20+11 7:20-38 (12724-12738) based on
  introduction 3:10 3:10-22 (5753-5769) form kauvsgegraptaioti and
  clasp 3:10+17 3:10-7 (5770-5784, length 15) form oykestindikaios
   matches LXX Ecclesiastes 7:20+11 7:20-38 (12724-12738, length 15) form oykestindikaios
    verbatim and
  clasp 3:11+3 3:18 (5795-6132, length 338) form estinosynivnoykestinoekqhtvntonueonpantesejeklinanamahxrevuhsanoykestinpoivnxrhstothtaoykestinevsenostafosanevgmenosolarygjaytvntaisglvssaisaytvnedolioysaniosaspidvnypotaxeilhaytvnvntostomaaraskaipikriasgemeiojeisoipodesaytvnekxeaiaimasyntrimmakaitalaipvriaentaisodoisaytvnkaiodoneirhnhsoykegnvsanoykestinfobosueoyapenantitvnofualmvnaytvn
   matches LXX Psalms 14:2+59 14:3 (10900-11228, length 329) form estinsynivnhekqhtvntonueonpantesejeklinanamahxrevuhsanoykestinpoivnxrhstothtaoykestinevsenostafosanevgmenosolarygjaytvntaisglvssaisaytvnedolioysaniosaspidvnypotaxeilhaytvnvntostomaaraskaipikriasgemeiojeisoipodesaytvnekxeaiaimasyntrimmakaitalaipvriaentaisodoisaytvnkaiodoneirhnhsoykegnvsanoykestinfobosueoyapenantitvnofualmvnaytvn
    differing 3.56%
  providing cover 97.25%.

Statement q128_20011 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 4:3+16 4:3 (7217-7268) with
 LXX Genesis 15:6+3 15:6 (34459-34507) based on
  introduction 4:3 4:3-52 (7201-7216) form tigarhgrafhlegei and
  clasp 4:3+16 4:3 (7217-7268, length 52) form episteysendeabraamtvuevkaielogisuhaytveisdikaiosynhn
   matches LXX Genesis 15:6+3 15:6 (34459-34507, length 49) form episteysenabramtvuevkaielogisuhaytveisdikaiosynhn
    differing 7.84%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q129_181 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 4:7 4:8 (7493-7588) with
 LXX Psalms 32:1+15 32:2-30 (31469-31564) based on
  introduction 4:6 4:6 (7413-7492) form kauaperkaidayidlegeitonmakarismontoyanurvpoyvoueoslogiqetaidikaiosynhnxvrisergvn and
  clasp 4:7 4:8 (7493-7588, length 96) form makarioivnafeuhsanaianomiaikaivnepekalyfuhsanaiamartiaimakariosanhroyoymhlogishtaikyriosamartian
   matches LXX Psalms 32:1+15 32:2-30 (31469-31564, length 96) form makarioivnafeuhsanaianomiaikaivnepekalyfuhsanaiamartiaimakariosanhroyoymhlogishtaikyriosamartian
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q130_20021 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 4:17+14 4:17-77 (8409-8437) with
 LXX Genesis 17:5+57 17:5 (37723-37751) based on
  introduction 4:17 4:17-106 (8395-8408) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 4:17+14 4:17-77 (8409-8437, length 29) form otipaterapollvneunvnteueikase
   matches LXX Genesis 17:5+57 17:5 (37723-37751, length 29) form otipaterapollvneunvnteueikase
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q131_20031 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 4:18+79 4:18 (8594-8614) with
 LXX Genesis 15:5+110 15:5 (34435-34455) based on
  introduction 4:18+64 4:18-21 (8579-8593) form katatoeirhmenon and
  clasp 4:18+79 4:18 (8594-8614, length 21) form oytvsestaitospermasoy
   matches LXX Genesis 15:5+110 15:5 (34435-34455, length 21) form oytvsestaitospermasoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q132_231 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 8:36+14 8:36 (17856-17917) with
 LXX Psalms 44:22 (49269-49329) based on
  introduction 8:36 8:36-62 (17842-17855) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 8:36+14 8:36 (17856-17917, length 62) form otienekensoyuanatoymeuaolhnthnhmeranelogisuhmenvsprobatasfaghs
   matches LXX Psalms 44:22 (49269-49329, length 61) form otienekasoyuanatoymeuaolhnthnhmeranelogisuhmenvsprobatasfaghs
    differing 4.92%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q133_20041 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 9:7+37 9:7 (18646-18671) with
 LXX Genesis 21:12+127 21:12 (50389-50414) based on
  introduction 9:7 9:7-26 (18609-18645) form oydotieisinspermaabraampantesteknaall and
  clasp 9:7+37 9:7 (18646-18671, length 26) form enisaakklhuhsetaisoisperma
   matches LXX Genesis 21:12+127 21:12 (50389-50414, length 26) form enisaakklhuhsetaisoisperma
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q134_20051 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 9:9+24 9:9 (18782-18828) with
 LXX Genesis 18:10+28 18:14 (40962-41386) based on
  introduction 9:9 9:9-47 (18758-18781) form epaggeliasgarologosoytos and
  clasp 9:9+24 9:9-27 (18782-18801, length 20) form katatonkairontoytone
   matches LXX Genesis 18:10+28 18:10-79 (40962-40981, length 20) form katatonkairontoytone
    verbatim and
  clasp 9:9+52 9:9 (18810-18828, length 19) form kaiestaithsarrayios
   matches LXX Genesis 18:14+63 18:14 (41368-41386, length 19) form kaiestaithsarrayios
  providing cover 82.98%.

Statement q135_20061 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 9:12+40 9:12 (19007-19032) with
 LXX Genesis 25:23+104 25:23 (65836-65861) based on
  introduction 9:12 9:12-26 (18967-19006) form oykejergvnallektoykaloyntoserreuhaythoti and
  clasp 9:12+40 9:12 (19007-19032, length 26) form omeiqvndoyleyseitvelassoni
   matches LXX Genesis 25:23+104 25:23 (65836-65861, length 26) form omeiqvndoyleyseitvelassoni
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q136_11011 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 9:13+14 9:13 (19047-19077) with
 LXX Malachi 1:2+87 1:3-68 (159-189) based on
  introduction 9:13 9:13-31 (19033-19046) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 9:13+14 9:13 (19047-19077, length 31) form toniakvbhgaphsatondehsayemishsa
   matches LXX Malachi 1:2+87 1:3-68 (159-189, length 31) form hgaphsatoniakvbtondehsayemishsa
    differing 3.33%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q137_21011 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 9:15+16 9:15 (19132-19168) with
 LXX Exodus 33:19+87 33:19 (99826-99862) based on
  introduction 9:15 9:15-37 (19116-19131) form tvmvyseigarlegei and
  clasp 9:15+16 9:15 (19132-19168, length 37) form elehsvonanelevkaioiktirhsvonanoiktirv
   matches LXX Exodus 33:19+87 33:19 (99826-99862, length 37) form elehsvonanelevkaioiktirhsvonanoiktirv
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q138_21021 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 9:17+50 9:17 (19273-19335) with
 LXX Exodus 9:16+28 9:16 (24278-24338) based on
  introduction 9:17 9:17-89 (19223-19246) form legeigarhgrafhtvfaravoti and
  clasp 9:17+50 9:17 (19273-19335, length 63) form endeijvmaiensoithndynaminmoykaiopvsdiaggelhtoonomamoyenpashthgh
   matches LXX Exodus 9:16+28 9:16 (24278-24338, length 61) form endeijvmaiensoithnisxynmoykaiopvsdiaggelhtoonomamoyenpashthgh
    differing 9.68%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q139_13011 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 9:25+24 9:26 (19866-19986) with
 ABPGRK Hosea 2:23+38 2:23-34 and
 LXX Hosea 1:10+82 1:10 (1055-1127) based on
  introduction 9:25 9:25-54 (19842-19859) form vskaientvvshelegei and
  clasp 9:26 (19914-19986, length 73) form kaiestaientvtopvoyerreuhaytoisoylaosmoyymeisekeiklhuhsontaiyioiueoyqvntos
   matches LXX Hosea 1:10+82 1:10 (1055-1127, length 73) form kaiestaientvtopvoyerreuhaytoisoylaosmoyymeisekeiklhuhsontaiyioiueoyqvntos
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q140_1041 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 9:27+30 9:28-15 (20017-20112) with
 LXX Isaiah 10:22+18 10:23-21 (22157-22275) and
 LXX Hosea 1:10+3 1:10-110 (976-1017) based on
  introduction 9:27 9:27-64 (19987-20013) form hsaaasdekraqeiypertoyisrahl and
  clasp 9:27+27 9:27-61 (20014-20016, length 3) form ean
   matches LXX Isaiah 10:22+3 10:22-103 (22142-22144, length 3) form ean
    verbatim and
  clasp 9:27+30 9:27-20 (20017-20057, length 41) form hoariumostvnyivnisrahlvshammosthsualasshs
   matches LXX Hosea 1:10+3 1:10-110 (976-1017, length 42) form hnoariumostvnyivnisrahlvshammosthsualasshs
    differing 4.88% and
  clasp 9:27+46 9:27-18 (20033-20059, length 27) form israhlvshammosthsualasshsto
   matches LXX Isaiah 10:22+18 10:22-64 (22157-22183, length 27) form israhlvshammosthsualasshsto
    verbatim and
  clasp 9:27+76 9:27-9 (20063-20068, length 6) form leimma
   matches LXX Isaiah 10:22+49 10:22-54 (22188-22193, length 6) form leimma
    verbatim and
  clasp 9:27+82 9:28-22 (20069-20105, length 37) form svuhsetailogongarsyntelvnkaisyntemnvn
   matches LXX Isaiah 10:22+60 10:22-12 (22199-22235, length 37) form svuhsetailogongarsyntelvnkaisyntemnvn
    verbatim and
  clasp 9:28+28 9:28-15 (20106-20112, length 7) form poihsei
   matches LXX Isaiah 10:23+21 10:23-21 (22269-22275, length 7) form poihsei
  providing cover 96.97%.

Statement q141_1051 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 9:29+24 9:29 (20152-20232) with
 LXX Isaiah 1:9+3 1:9 (809-889) based on
  introduction 9:29 9:29-81 (20128-20151) form kaikauvsproeirhkenhsaaas and
  clasp 9:29+24 9:29 (20152-20232, length 81) form eimhkyriossabavuegkatelipenhminspermavssodomaanegenhuhmenkaivsgomorraanvmoivuhmen
   matches LXX Isaiah 1:9+3 1:9 (809-889, length 81) form eimhkyriossabavuegkatelipenhminspermavssodomaanegenhuhmenkaivsgomorraanvmoivuhmen
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q142_1061 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 9:33+14 10:11-5 (20445-21344) with
 LXX Isaiah 8:14+48 8:14-94 (16771-16786) and
 LXX Isaiah 28:16+24 28:16 (52716-52834) based on
  introduction 9:33 9:33-87 (20431-20444) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 9:33+14 9:33-83 (20445-20448, length 4) form idoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:16+24 28:16-115 (52716-52719, length 4) form idoy
    verbatim and
  clasp 9:33+26 9:33-66 (20457-20465, length 9) form sivnliuon
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:16+49 28:16-85 (52741-52749, length 9) form sivnliuon
    verbatim and
  clasp 9:33+30 9:33-54 (20461-20477, length 17) form liuonproskommatos
   matches LXX Isaiah 8:14+48 8:14-94 (16771-16786, length 16) form liuoyproskommati
    differing 25.00% and
  clasp 9:33+50 9:33-45 (20481-20486, length 6) form petran
   matches LXX Isaiah 8:14+86 8:14-66 (16809-16814, length 6) form petras
    differing 20.00% and
  clasp 9:33+65 9:33 (20496-20531, length 36) form kaiopisteyvnepaytvoykataisxynuhsetai
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:16+110 28:16 (52802-52834, length 33) form kaiopisteyvnepaytvoymhkataisxynuh
    differing 17.14% and
  clasp 10:11+17 10:11-5 (21317-21344, length 28) form opisteyvnepaytvoykataisxynuh
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:16+113 28:16 (52805-52834, length 30) form opisteyvnepaytvoymhkataisxynuh
    differing 10.34%
  providing cover 10.56%.

Statement q143_22011 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 10:5+46 10:5 (20846-20873) with
 LXX Leviticus 18:5+69 18:5-21 (57053-57079) based on
  introduction 10:5 10:5-56 (20800-20817) form mvyshsgargrafeioti and
  clasp 10:5+46 10:5 (20846-20873, length 28) form poihsasanurvposqhsetaienayth
   matches LXX Leviticus 18:5+69 18:5-18 (57053-57082, length 30) form poihsasanurvposqhsetaienaytois
    differing 10.34%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q144_24011 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 10:6+52 10:8-36 (20926-21098) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 30:12+26 30:14-28 (94236-94494) based on
  introduction 10:6 10:6-72 (20874-20905) form hdeekpistevsdikaiosynhoytvslegei and
  clasp 10:6+52 10:6-26 (20926-20951, length 26) form tisanabhsetaieistonoyranon
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 30:12+26 30:12-47 (94236-94265, length 30) form tisanabhsetaihmineistonoyranon
    differing 17.24% and
  clasp 10:7+1 10:7-57 (20979-20981, length 3) form tis
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 30:13+30 30:13-94 (94343-94345, length 3) form tis
    verbatim and
  clasp 10:8+11 10:8-36 (21050-21098, length 49) form eggyssoytorhmaestinentvstomatisoykaienthkardiasoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 30:14 30:14-28 (94440-94494, length 55) form estinsoyeggystorhmasfodraentvstomatisoykaienthkardiasoy
    differing 16.67%
  providing cover 45.09%.

Statement q145_14011 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 10:13 (21448-21491) with
 LXX Joel 2:32+8 2:32-103 (5574-5614) based on
  introduction 10:13+3 10:13-38 (21451-21453) form gar and
  clasp 10:13 10:13-41 (21448-21450, length 3) form pas
   matches LXX Joel 2:32+8 2:32-141 (5574-5576, length 3) form pas
    verbatim and
  clasp 10:13+6 10:13 (21454-21491, length 38) form osanepikaleshtaitoonomakyrioysvuhsetai
   matches LXX Joel 2:32+11 2:32-103 (5577-5614, length 38) form osanepikaleshtaitoonomakyrioysvuhsetai
  providing cover 93.18%.

Statement q146_1081 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 10:15+44 10:15 (21631-21670) with
 LXX Isaiah 52:7 52:7-58 (106484-106555) based on
  introduction 10:15+30 10:15-40 (21617-21630) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 10:15+44 10:15-35 (21631-21635, length 5) form vsvra
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:7 52:7-125 (106484-106488, length 5) form vsvra
    verbatim and
  clasp 10:15+54 10:15-25 (21641-21645, length 5) form podes
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:7+18 52:7-107 (106502-106506, length 5) form podes
    verbatim and
  clasp 10:15+62 10:15-7 (21649-21663, length 15) form eyaggeliqomenvn
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:7+23 52:7-92 (106507-106521, length 15) form eyaggeliqomenoy
    differing 14.29% and
  clasp 10:15+79 10:15 (21666-21670, length 5) form agaua
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:7+67 52:7-58 (106551-106555, length 5) form agaua
  providing cover 75.00%.

Statement q147_1091 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 10:16+45 10:16 (21716-21743) with
 LXX Isaiah 53:1 53:1-31 (107401-107428) based on
  introduction 10:16+31 10:16-28 (21702-21715) form hsaaasgarlegei and
  clasp 10:16+45 10:16 (21716-21743, length 28) form kyrietisepisteysenthakohhmvn
   matches LXX Isaiah 53:1 53:1-31 (107401-107428, length 28) form kyrietisepisteysenthakohhmvn
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q148_131 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 10:18+28 10:18 (21813-21886) with
 LXX Psalms 19:4 19:4-27 (17757-17830) based on
  introduction 10:18+20 10:18-74 (21805-21812) form menoynge and
  clasp 10:18+28 10:18 (21813-21886, length 74) form eispasanthnghnejhluenofuoggosaytvnkaieistaperatathsoikoymenhstarhmataaytvn
   matches LXX Psalms 19:4 19:4-27 (17757-17830, length 74) form eispasanthnghnejhluenofuoggosaytvnkaieistaperatathsoikoymenhstarhmataaytvn
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q149_24021 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 10:19+41 10:19-4 (21928-21975) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 32:21+56 32:21-6 (101514-101565) based on
  introduction 10:19+23 10:19-53 (21910-21926) form prvtosmvyshslegei and
  clasp 10:19+41 10:19-40 (21928-21939, length 12) form gvparaqhlvsv
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 32:21+58 32:21-44 (101516-101527, length 12) form gvparaqhlvsv
    verbatim and
  clasp 10:19+56 10:19-4 (21943-21975, length 33) form sepoykeuneiepeuneiasynetvparorgiv
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 32:21+75 32:21-6 (101533-101565, length 33) form sepoykeuneiepeuneiasynetvparorgiv
  providing cover 93.75%.

Statement q150_1101 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 10:20+24 10:20 (22004-22063) with
 LXX Isaiah 65:1 65:1-42 (127328-127385) based on
  introduction 10:20 10:20-60 (21980-22003) form hsaaasdeapotolmakailegei and
  clasp 10:20+24 10:20 (22004-22063, length 60) form eyreuhnentoisememhqhtoysinemfanhsegenomhntoisememhepervtvsin
   matches LXX Isaiah 65:1 65:1-42 (127328-127385, length 58) form emfanhsegenomhntoisememhqhtoysineyreuhntoisememhepervtvsin
    differing 3.39%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q151_1111 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 10:21+20 10:21 (22084-22149) with
 LXX Isaiah 65:2 65:2-50 (127428-127493) based on
  introduction 10:21 10:21-66 (22064-22083) form prosdetonisrahllegei and
  clasp 10:21+20 10:21 (22084-22149, length 66) form olhnthnhmeranejepetasatasxeirasmoyproslaonapeiuoyntakaiantilegonta
   matches LXX Isaiah 65:2 65:2-50 (127428-127493, length 66) form ejepetasatasxeirasmoyolhnthnhmeranproslaonapeiuoyntakaiantilegonta
    differing 3.08%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q152_42011 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 11:3+5 11:3 (22345-22436) with
 LXX I_Kings 19:10+72 19:10-11 (75874-75984) based on
  introduction 11:2+36 11:2 (22281-22339) form hoykoidateenhliatilegeihgrafhvsentygxaneitvuevkatatoyisrahl and
  clasp 11:3+5 11:3-41 (22345-22395, length 51) form toysprofhtassoyapekteinantauysiasthriasoykateskacan
   matches LXX I_Kings 19:10+72 19:10-68 (75874-75927, length 54) form tauysiasthriasoykateskacankaitoysprofhtassoyapekteinan
    differing 7.55% and
  clasp 11:3+56 11:3 (22396-22436, length 41) form kagvypeleifuhnmonoskaiqhtoysinthncyxhnmoy
   matches LXX I_Kings 19:10+135 19:10-11 (75937-75984, length 48) form kaiypoleleimmaiegvmonvtatoskaiqhtoysithncyxhnmoy
    differing 38.30%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q153_42021 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 11:4+27 11:4 (22464-22525) with
 LXX I_Kings 19:18+3 19:18-30 (76944-77012) based on
  introduction 11:4 11:4-62 (22437-22463) form allatilegeiaytvoxrhmatismos and
  clasp 11:4+27 11:4-53 (22464-22472, length 9) form katelipon
   matches LXX I_Kings 19:18+3 19:18-88 (76944-76954, length 11) form kataleiceis
    differing 80.00% and
  clasp 11:4+42 11:4-27 (22479-22498, length 20) form eptakisxilioysandras
   matches LXX I_Kings 19:18+22 19:18-62 (76963-76980, length 18) form eptaxiliadasandrvn
    differing 42.11% and
  clasp 11:4+69 11:4 (22506-22525, length 20) form oykekamcangonythbaal
   matches LXX I_Kings 19:18+52 19:18-30 (76993-77012, length 20) form oykvklasangonytvbaal
    differing 42.11%
  providing cover 79.03%.

Statement q154_1121 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 11:8+14 11:8 (22717-22807) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 29:4+6 29:4-6 (89834-89912) and
 LXX Isaiah 29:10+22 29:10-60 (55055-55096) based on
  introduction 11:8 11:8-91 (22703-22716) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 11:8+14 11:8-85 (22717-22722, length 6) form edvken
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 29:4+6 29:4-79 (89834-89839, length 6) form edvken
    verbatim and
  clasp 11:8+26 11:8-74 (22729-22733, length 5) form oueos
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 29:4+18 29:4-68 (89846-89850, length 5) form oueos
    verbatim and
  clasp 11:8+31 11:8-58 (22734-22749, length 16) form pneymakatanyjevs
   matches LXX Isaiah 29:10+22 29:10-84 (55055-55072, length 18) form pneymatikatanyjevs
    differing 17.65% and
  clasp 11:8+47 11:8-49 (22750-22758, length 9) form ofualmoys
   matches LXX Isaiah 29:10+55 29:10-60 (55088-55096, length 9) form ofualmoys
    verbatim and
  clasp 11:8+47 11:8-49 (22750-22758, length 9) form ofualmoys
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 29:4+44 29:4-38 (89872-89880, length 9) form ofualmoys
    verbatim and
  clasp 11:8+61 11:8-31 (22764-22776, length 13) form blepeinkaivta
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 29:4+53 29:4-25 (89881-89893, length 13) form blepeinkaivta
    verbatim and
  clasp 11:8+79 11:8-13 (22782-22794, length 13) form akoyeinevsths
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 29:4+66 29:4-12 (89894-89906, length 13) form akoyeinevsths
    verbatim and
  clasp 11:8+99 11:8 (22802-22807, length 6) form hmeras
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 29:4+79 29:4-6 (89907-89912, length 6) form hmeras
  providing cover 74.73%.

Statement q155_291 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 11:9+13 11:10 (22821-22972) with
 LXX Psalms 69:22 69:23 (76386-76533) based on
  introduction 11:9 11:9-78 (22808-22820) form kaidayidlegei and
  clasp 11:9+13 11:10 (22821-22972, length 152) form genhuhtvhtrapeqaaytvneispagidakaieisuhrankaieisskandalonkaieisantapodomaaytoisskotisuhtvsanoiofualmoiaytvntoymhblepeinkaitonnvtonaytvndiapantossygkamcon
   matches LXX Psalms 69:22 69:23 (76386-76533, length 148) form genhuhtvhtrapeqaaytvnenvpionaytvneispagidakaieisantapodosinkaieisskandalonskotisuhtvsanoiofualmoiaytvntoymhblepeinkaitonnvtonaytvndiapantossygkamcon
    differing 11.92%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q156_1131 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 11:26+40 11:27 (24249-24349) with
 LXX Isaiah 27:9+59 27:9-132 (50477-50503) and
 LXX Isaiah 59:20+3 59:21-161 (119264-119343) based on
  introduction 11:26+26 11:26-45 (24235-24248) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 11:26+40 11:27-28 (24249-24321, length 73) form hjeieksivnoryomenosapostreceiasebeiasapoiakvbkaiaythaytoishparemoydiauhkh
   matches LXX Isaiah 59:20+3 59:21-161 (119264-119343, length 80) form hjeienekensivnoryomenoskaiapostreceiasebeiasapoiakvbkaiaythaytoishparemoydiauhkh
    differing 11.39% and
  clasp 11:27+28 11:27 (24322-24349, length 28) form otanafelvmaitasamartiasaytvn
   matches LXX Isaiah 27:9+59 27:9-131 (50477-50504, length 28) form otanafelvmaiaytoythnamartian
    differing 29.63%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q157_1031 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 11:34 (24735-24779) with
 LXX Isaiah 40:13 40:13-14 (79028-79071) based on
  introduction 11:34+3 11:34-39 (24738-24740) form gar and
  clasp 11:34 11:34-42 (24735-24737, length 3) form tis
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:13 40:13-55 (79028-79030, length 3) form tis
    verbatim and
  clasp 11:34+6 11:34 (24741-24779, length 39) form egnvnoynkyrioyhtissymboylosaytoyegeneto
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:13+3 40:13-14 (79031-79071, length 41) form egnvnoynkyrioykaitisaytoysymboylosegeneto
    differing 15.00%
  providing cover 93.33%.

Statement q158_24041 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 12:19+63 12:19-11 (26274-26295) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 32:35+7 32:35-73 (102578-102597) based on
  introduction 12:19 12:19-37 (26211-26269) form mheaytoysekdikoyntesagaphtoialladotetoponthorghgegraptaigar and
  clasp 12:19+63 12:19-24 (26274-26282, length 9) form ekdikhsis
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 32:35+7 32:35-83 (102578-102587, length 10) form ekdikhsevs
    differing 33.33% and
  clasp 12:19+75 12:19-11 (26286-26295, length 10) form antapodvsv
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 32:35+17 32:35-73 (102588-102597, length 10) form antapodvsv
  providing cover 86.36%.

Statement q159_31011 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 12:20+4 12:20 (26311-26410) with
 LXX Proverbs 25:21 25:22-28 (47241-47339) based on
  introduction 12:20 12:20-100 (26307-26310) form alla and
  clasp 12:20+4 12:20 (26311-26410, length 100) form eanpeinaoexurossoycvmiqeaytoneandicapotiqeaytontoytogarpoivnanurakaspyrossvreyseisepithnkefalhnaytoy
   matches LXX Proverbs 25:21 25:22-28 (47241-47339, length 99) form eanpeinaoexurossoytrefeaytoneandicapotiqeaytontoytogarpoivnanurakaspyrossvreyseisepithnkefalhnaytoy
    differing 6.06%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q160_21031 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 13:9+5 13:9-82 (27196-27241) with
 LXX Exodus 20:13 20:15 (57313-57344) based on
  introduction 13:9 13:9-128 (27191-27195) form togar and
  clasp 13:9+5 13:9-96 (27196-27227, length 32) form oymoixeyseisoyfoneyseisoykleceis
   matches LXX Exodus 20:13 20:15 (57313-57344, length 32) form oyfoneyseisoymoixeyseisoykleceis
    verbatim and
  clasp 13:9+37 13:9-82 (27228-27241, length 14) form oykepiuymhseis
   matches LXX Exodus 20:17 20:17-197 (57394-57407, length 14) form oykepiuymhseis
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q161_22025 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 13:9+102 13:9 (27293-27323) with
 LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942) based on
  introduction 13:9+70 13:9-31 (27261-27292) form entvlogvtoytvanakefalaioytaientv and
  clasp 13:9+102 13:9 (27293-27323, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
   matches LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q162_1151 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 14:11+28 14:11 (28533-28584) with
 LXX Isaiah 45:23+84 45:23 (93622-93673) based on
  introduction 14:11 14:11-68 (28505-28516) form gegraptaigar and
  clasp 14:11+28 14:11 (28533-28584, length 52) form otiemoikamceipangonykaipasaglvssaejomologhsetaitvuev
   matches LXX Isaiah 45:23+84 45:23 (93622-93673, length 52) form otiemoikamceipangonykaiejomologhsetaipasaglvssatvuev
    differing 3.92%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q163_281 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 15:3+46 15:3 (29646-29687) with
 LXX Psalms 69:9+34 69:9 (75438-75479) based on
  introduction 15:3+32 15:3-42 (29632-29645) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 15:3+46 15:3 (29646-29687, length 42) form oioneidismoitvnoneidiqontvnseepepesanepeme
   matches LXX Psalms 69:9+34 69:9 (75438-75479, length 42) form oioneidismoitvnoneidiqontvnseepepesanepeme
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q164_121 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 15:9+46 15:9 (30162-30213) with
 LXX Psalms 18:49 (17410-17467) based on
  introduction 15:9+32 15:9-52 (30148-30161) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 15:9+46 15:9 (30162-30213, length 52) form diatoytoejomologhsomaisoieneunesikaitvonomatisoycalv
   matches LXX Psalms 18:49 (17410-17467, length 58) form diatoytoejomologhsomaisoieneunesinkyriekaitvonomatisoycalv
    differing 12.28%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q165_24051 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 15:10+13 15:10 (30227-30256) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 32:43+60 32:43-172 (103458-103487) based on
  introduction 15:10 15:10-30 (30214-30226) form kaipalinlegei and
  clasp 15:10+13 15:10 (30227-30256, length 30) form eyfranuhteeunhmetatoylaoyaytoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 32:43+60 32:43-172 (103458-103487, length 30) form eyfranuhteeunhmetatoylaoyaytoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q166_441 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 15:11+8 15:11 (30265-30324) with
 LXX Psalms 117:1+9 117:1 (137217-137270) based on
  introduction 15:11 15:11-60 (30257-30264) form kaipalin and
  clasp 15:11+8 15:11 (30265-30324, length 60) form aineitepantataeunhtonkyrionkaiepainesatvsanaytonpantesoilaoi
   matches LXX Psalms 117:1+9 117:1 (137217-137270, length 54) form aineitetonkyrionpantataeunhepainesateaytonpantesoilaoi
    differing 18.64%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q167_1161 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 15:12+19 15:12 (30344-30407) with
 LXX Isaiah 11:10+3 11:10-27 (24087-24165) based on
  introduction 15:12 15:12-64 (30325-30343) form kaipalinhsaaaslegei and
  clasp 15:12+19 15:12-59 (30344-30348, length 5) form estai
   matches LXX Isaiah 11:10+3 11:10-101 (24087-24091, length 5) form estai
    verbatim and
  clasp 15:12+24 15:12 (30349-30407, length 59) form hriqatoyiessaikaioanistamenosarxeineunvnepaytveunhelpioysin
   matches LXX Isaiah 11:10+23 11:10-27 (24107-24165, length 59) form hriqatoyiessaikaioanistamenosarxeineunvnepaytveunhelpioysin
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q168_1171 connects
 SBLGNT Romans 15:21+18 15:21 (31218-31274) with
 LXX Isaiah 52:15+67 52:15 (107344-107400) based on
  introduction 15:21 15:21-57 (31200-31217) form allakauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 15:21+18 15:21 (31218-31274, length 57) form oisoykanhggelhperiaytoyocontaikaioioykakhkoasinsynhsoysin
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:15+67 52:15 (107344-107400, length 57) form oisoykanhggelhperiaytoyocontaikaioioykakhkoasinsynhsoysin
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q169_1011 connects
 SBLGNT I_Corinthians 1:19+12 1:19-7 (1391-1435) with
 LXX Isaiah 29:14+69 29:14-5 (55662-55706) based on
  introduction 1:19 1:19-52 (1379-1390) form gegraptaigar and
  clasp 1:19+12 1:19-7 (1391-1435, length 45) form apolvthnsofiantvnsofvnkaithnsynesintvnsynetvn
   matches LXX Isaiah 29:14+69 29:14-5 (55662-55706, length 45) form apolvthnsofiantvnsofvnkaithnsynesintvnsynetvn
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q170_1032 connects
 SBLGNT I_Corinthians 2:16 2:16-41 (3640-3659) with
 LXX Isaiah 40:13 (79028-79085) based on
  introduction 2:16+3 2:16-55 (3643-3645) form gar and
  clasp 2:16 2:16-58 (3640-3642, length 3) form tis
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:13 40:13-55 (79028-79030, length 3) form tis
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:16+6 2:16-41 (3646-3659, length 14) form egnvnoynkyrioy
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:13+3 40:13-41 (79031-79044, length 14) form egnvnoynkyrioy
  providing cover 85.00%.

Statement q171_351 connects
 SBLGNT I_Corinthians 3:20+8 3:20 (5094-5146) with
 LXX Psalms 94:11 (109645-109700) based on
  introduction 3:20 3:20-53 (5086-5093) form kaipalin and
  clasp 3:20+8 3:20 (5094-5146, length 53) form kyriosginvskeitoysdialogismoystvnsofvnotieisinmataioi
   matches LXX Psalms 94:11 94:11 (109645-109700, length 56) form kyriosginvskeitoysdialogismoystvnanurvpvnotieisinmataioi
    differing 12.73%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q172_20071 connects
 SBLGNT I_Corinthians 6:16+42 6:16 (9351-9382) with
 LXX Genesis 2:24+102 2:24 (5588-5611) based on
  introduction 6:16+49 6:16-17 (9358-9365) form garfhsin and
  clasp 6:16+42 6:16-25 (9351-9357, length 7) form esontai
   matches LXX Genesis 2:24+102 2:24-17 (5588-5594, length 7) form esontai
    verbatim and
  clasp 6:16+57 6:16 (9366-9382, length 17) form oidyoeissarkamian
   matches LXX Genesis 2:24+109 2:24 (5595-5611, length 17) form oidyoeissarkamian
  providing cover 75.00%.

Statement q173_24071 connects
 SBLGNT I_Corinthians 9:9+27 9:9-19 (14453-14473) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 25:4 (75098-75118) based on
  introduction 9:9 9:9-40 (14426-14452) form engartvmvysevsnomvgegraptai and
  clasp 9:9+27 9:9-19 (14453-14473, length 21) form oykhmvseisboynalovnta
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 25:4 (75098-75118, length 21) form oyfimvseisboynalovnta
    differing 15.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q174_21051 connects
 SBLGNT I_Corinthians 10:7+52 10:7 (16518-16562) with
 LXX Exodus 32:6+74 32:6 (94489-94534) based on
  introduction 10:7 10:7-45 (16466-16517) form mhdeeidvlolatraiginesuekauvstinesaytvnvspergegraptai and
  clasp 10:7+52 10:7 (16518-16562, length 45) form ekauisenolaosfageinkaipeinkaianesthsanpaiqein
   matches LXX Exodus 32:6+74 32:6 (94489-94534, length 46) form ekauisenolaosfageinkaipieinkaianesthsanpaiqein
    differing 4.44%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q175_161 connects
 SBLGNT I_Corinthians 10:26 (17811-17842) with
 LXX Psalms 24:1+28 24:1-39 (22992-23020) based on
  introduction 10:26+9 10:26-20 (17820-17822) form gar and
  clasp 10:26 10:26-23 (17811-17819, length 9) form toykyrioy
   matches LXX Psalms 24:1+28 24:1-59 (22992-23000, length 9) form toykyrioy
    verbatim and
  clasp 10:26+12 10:26 (17823-17842, length 20) form hghkaitoplhrvmaayths
   matches LXX Psalms 24:1+37 24:1-39 (23001-23020, length 20) form hghkaitoplhrvmaayths
  providing cover 90.62%.

Statement q176_1201 connects
 SBLGNT I_Corinthians 14:21+40 14:21-38 (25551-25580) with
 LXX Isaiah 28:11+12 28:11 (52171-52216) based on
  introduction 14:21 14:21-88 (25511-25530) form entvnomvgegraptaioti and
  clasp 14:21+22 14:21-73 (25533-25545, length 13) form eteroglvssois
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:11+22 28:11-23 (52181-52193, length 13) form glvsshseteras
    differing 41.67% and
  clasp 14:21+40 14:21-60 (25551-25558, length 8) form xeilesin
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:11+12 28:11-39 (52171-52177, length 7) form xeilevn
    differing 42.86% and
  clasp 14:21+54 14:21-38 (25565-25580, length 16) form lalhsvtvlavtoytv
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:11+38 28:11 (52197-52216, length 20) form lalhsoysintvlavtoytv
    differing 31.58%
  providing cover 77.08%.

Statement q177_20091 connects
 SBLGNT I_Corinthians 15:45+17 15:45-30 (30050-30088) with
 LXX Genesis 2:7+82 2:7 (3941-3969) based on
  introduction 15:45 15:45-69 (30033-30049) form oytvskaigegraptai and
  clasp 15:45+17 15:45-30 (30050-30088, length 39) form egenetooprvtosanurvposadameiscyxhnqvsan
   matches LXX Genesis 2:7+82 2:7 (3941-3969, length 29) form egenetooanurvposeiscyxhnqvsan
    differing 31.58%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q178_13051 connects
 SBLGNT I_Corinthians 15:55+19 15:55 (30849-30869) with
 LXX Hosea 13:14+61 13:14-39 (18605-18625) based on
  introduction 15:54 15:54-24 (30703-30805) form otandetofuartontoytoendyshtaiafuarsiankaitounhtontoytoendyshtaiauanasiantotegenhsetaiologosogegrammenos and
  clasp 15:55+19 15:55 (30849-30869, length 21) form poysoyuanatetokentron
   matches LXX Hosea 13:14+61 13:14-39 (18605-18625, length 21) form soyuanatepoytokentron
    differing 10.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q179_1221 connects
 SBLGNT II_Corinthians 4:6+23 4:6-80 (5634-5642) with
 LXX Isaiah 9:2+71 9:2-6 (17973-17981) based on
  introduction 4:6 4:6-98 (5611-5624) form otioueosoeipvn and
  clasp 4:6+14 4:6-89 (5625-5633, length 9) form ekskotoys
   matches LXX Isaiah 9:2+17 9:2-61 (17919-17926, length 8) form enskotei
    differing 62.50% and
  clasp 4:6+23 4:6-80 (5634-5642, length 9) form fvslamcei
   matches LXX Isaiah 9:2+71 9:2-6 (17973-17981, length 9) form fvslamcei
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q180_431 connects
 SBLGNT II_Corinthians 4:13+48 4:13-32 (6211-6229) with
 LXX Psalms 116:10+9 116:10-22 (136804-136822) based on
  introduction 4:13+31 4:13-51 (6194-6210) form katatogegrammenon and
  clasp 4:13+48 4:13-32 (6211-6229, length 19) form episteysadioelalhsa
   matches LXX Psalms 116:10+9 116:10-22 (136804-136822, length 19) form episteysadioelalhsa
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q181_1231 connects
 SBLGNT II_Corinthians 6:2+8 6:2-45 (8510-8559) with
 LXX Isaiah 49:8+16 49:8-77 (99749-99798) based on
  introduction 6:2 6:2-95 (8502-8509) form legeigar and
  clasp 6:2+8 6:2-45 (8510-8559, length 50) form kairvdektvephkoysasoykaienhmerasvthriasebohuhsasoi
   matches LXX Isaiah 49:8+16 49:8-77 (99749-99798, length 50) form kairvdektvephkoysasoykaienhmerasvthriasebohuhsasoi
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q182_3011 connects
 SBLGNT II_Corinthians 6:16+96 6:16 (9602-9656) with
 LXX Leviticus 26:12 26:12-44 (84291-84305) and
 LXX Ezekiel 37:27+32 37:27 (104686-104726) based on
  introduction 6:16 6:16-71 (9506-9585) form tisdesygkatauesisnavueoymetaeidvlvnhmeisgarnaosueoyesmenqvntoskauvseipenoueosoti and
  clasp 6:16+96 6:16-40 (9602-9616, length 15) form kaiemperipathsv
   matches LXX Leviticus 26:12 26:12-44 (84291-84305, length 15) form kaiemperipathsv
    verbatim and
  clasp 6:16+111 6:16 (9617-9656, length 40) form kaiesomaiaytvnueoskaiaytoiesontaimoylaos
   matches LXX Ezekiel 37:27+32 37:27 (104686-104726, length 41) form kaiesomaiaytoisueoskaiaytoimoyesontailaos
    differing 15.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q183_1251 connects
 SBLGNT II_Corinthians 6:17+3 6:17-18 (9660-9724) with
 LXX Isaiah 52:11+31 52:11-23 (106950-107000) based on
  introduction 6:17 6:17-83 (9657-9659) form dio and
  introduction 6:17+36 6:17-39 (9693-9703) form legeikyrios and
  clasp 6:17+3 6:17-50 (9660-9692, length 33) form ejeluateekmesoyaytvnkaiaforisuhte
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:11+52 52:11-23 (106971-107000, length 30) form ejeluateekmesoyaythsaforisuhte
    differing 18.75% and
  clasp 6:17+47 6:17-18 (9704-9724, length 21) form kaiakauartoymhaptesue
   matches LXX Isaiah 52:11+31 52:11-53 (106950-106970, length 21) form kaiakauartoymhaptesue
  providing cover 83.08%.

Statement q184_21071 connects
 SBLGNT II_Corinthians 8:15+14 8:15 (12697-12742) with
 LXX Exodus 16:18+21 16:18-41 (47144-47190) based on
  introduction 8:15 8:15-46 (12683-12696) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 8:15+14 8:15 (12697-12742, length 46) form otopolyoykepleonasenkaiotooligonoykhlattonhsen
   matches LXX Exodus 16:18+21 16:18-41 (47144-47190, length 47) form oykepleonasenotopolykaiotoelattonoykhlattonhsen
    differing 17.39%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q185_421 connects
 SBLGNT II_Corinthians 9:9+14 9:9 (14361-14419) with
 LXX Psalms 112:9 112:9-37 (134164-134222) based on
  introduction 9:9 9:9-59 (14347-14360) form kauvsgegraptai and
  clasp 9:9+14 9:9 (14361-14419, length 59) form eskorpisenedvkentoispenhsinhdikaiosynhaytoymeneieistonaivna
   matches LXX Psalms 112:9 112:9-37 (134164-134222, length 59) form eskorpisenedvkentoispenhsinhdikaiosynhaytoymeneieistonaivna
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q186_1471 connects
 SBLGNT II_Corinthians 9:10+13 9:10-71 (14433-14466) with
 LXX Isaiah 55:10+96 55:10 (111467-111500) based on
  introduction 9:10 9:10-105 (14420-14432) form odeepixorhgvn and
  clasp 9:10+13 9:10-71 (14433-14466, length 34) form sporontvspeirontikaiartoneisbrvsin
   matches LXX Isaiah 55:10+96 55:10 (111467-111500, length 34) form spermatvspeirontikaiartoneisbrvsin
    differing 15.15%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q187_20012 connects
 SBLGNT Galatians 3:6+5 3:6 (4093-4142) with
 LXX Genesis 15:6+3 15:6 (34459-34507) based on
  introduction 3:6 3:6-50 (4088-4092) form kauvs and
  clasp 3:6+5 3:6 (4093-4142, length 50) form abraamepisteysentvuevkaielogisuhaytveisdikaiosynhn
   matches LXX Genesis 15:6+3 15:6 (34459-34507, length 49) form episteysenabramtvuevkaielogisuhaytveisdikaiosynhn
    differing 6.12%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q188_20151 connects
 SBLGNT Galatians 3:8+73 3:8 (4262-4293) with
 LXX Genesis 18:18+44 18:18-6 (41664-41696) based on
  introduction 3:8 3:8-32 (4189-4261) form proidoysadehgrafhotiekpistevsdikaioitaeunhoueosproeyhggelisatotvabraamoti and
  clasp 3:8+73 3:8 (4262-4293, length 32) form eneyloghuhsontaiensoipantataeunh
   matches LXX Genesis 18:18+44 18:18-6 (41664-41696, length 33) form eneyloghuhsontaienaytvpantataeunh
    differing 15.62%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q189_24111 connects
 SBLGNT Galatians 3:10+54 3:10 (4390-4469) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 27:26 27:26-28 (81664-81742) based on
  introduction 3:10 3:10-80 (4336-4389) form osoigarejergvnnomoyeisinypokataraneisingegraptaigaroti and
  clasp 3:10+54 3:10-65 (4390-4404, length 15) form epikataratospas
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 27:26 27:26-92 (81664-81678, length 15) form epikataratospas
    verbatim and
  clasp 3:10+69 3:10-44 (4405-4425, length 21) form osoykemmeneipasintois
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 27:26+23 27:26-61 (81687-81709, length 23) form osoykemmeneienpasintois
    differing 13.64% and
  clasp 3:10+112 3:10 (4448-4469, length 22) form toynomoytoypoihsaiayta
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 27:26+52 27:26-25 (81716-81745, length 30) form toynomoytoytoytoypoihsaiaytoys
    differing 31.03%
  providing cover 72.50%.

Statement q190_10012 connects
 SBLGNT Galatians 3:11+44 3:11 (4514-4537) with
 LXX Habakkuk 2:4+39 2:4 (2127-2155) based on
  introduction 3:11 3:11-24 (4470-4513) form otideennomvoydeisdikaioytaiparatvuevdhlonoti and
  clasp 3:11+44 3:11 (4514-4537, length 24) form odikaiosekpistevsqhsetai
   matches LXX Habakkuk 2:4+39 2:4 (2127-2155, length 29) form odedikaiosekpistevsmoyqhsetai
    differing 21.43%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q191_22012 connects
 SBLGNT Galatians 3:12+29 3:12 (4567-4592) with
 LXX Leviticus 18:5+64 18:5-18 (57048-57082) based on
  introduction 3:12 3:12-27 (4538-4565) form odenomosoykestinekpistevsall and
  clasp 3:12+28 3:12-15 (4566-4577, length 12) form opoihsasayta
   matches LXX Leviticus 18:5+64 18:5-41 (57048-57059, length 12) form aytaapoihsas
    differing 18.18% and
  clasp 3:12+40 3:12 (4578-4592, length 15) form qhsetaienaytois
   matches LXX Leviticus 18:5+84 18:5-18 (57068-57082, length 15) form qhsetaienaytois
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q192_24121 connects
 SBLGNT Galatians 3:13+88 3:13 (4681-4702) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 21:23+97 21:23-52 (66385-66405) based on
  introduction 3:13 3:13-34 (4593-4668) form xristoshmasejhgorasenekthskatarastoynomoygenomenosyperhmvnkataraotigegraptai and
  clasp 3:13+88 3:13 (4681-4702, length 22) form pasokremamenosepijyloy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 21:23+97 21:23-52 (66385-66405, length 21) form paskremamenosepijyloy
    differing 9.52%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q193_20101 connects
 SBLGNT Galatians 3:16+97 3:16-14 (4978-4990) with
 LXX Genesis 12:7+32 12:7-68 (28321-28333) based on
  introduction 3:16 3:16-30 (4881-4974) form tvdeabraamerreuhsanaiepaggeliaikaitvspermatiaytoyoylegeikaitoisspermasinvsepipollvnallvsefenos and
  clasp 3:16+94 3:16-27 (4975-4977, length 3) form kai
   matches LXX Genesis 12:7+20 12:7-90 (28309-28311, length 3) form kai
    verbatim and
  clasp 3:16+97 3:16-14 (4978-4990, length 13) form tvspermatisoy
   matches LXX Genesis 12:7+32 12:7-68 (28321-28333, length 13) form tvspermatisoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q194_1261 connects
 SBLGNT Galatians 4:27+12 4:27 (7727-7828) with
 LXX Isaiah 54:1 54:1-14 (108811-108912) based on
  introduction 4:27 4:27-102 (7715-7726) form gegraptaigar and
  clasp 4:27+12 4:27 (7727-7828, length 102) form eyfranuhtisteirahoytiktoysarhjonkaibohsonhoykvdinoysaotipollatateknathserhmoymallonhthsexoyshstonandra
   matches LXX Isaiah 54:1 54:1-14 (108811-108912, length 102) form eyfranuhtisteirahoytiktoysarhjonkaibohsonhoykvdinoysaotipollatateknathserhmoymallonhthsexoyshstonandra
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q195_20111 connects
 SBLGNT Galatians 4:30+17 4:30-12 (7949-8028) with
 LXX Genesis 21:10+16 21:10-8 (50108-50197) based on
  introduction 4:30 4:30-92 (7932-7948) form allatilegeihgrafh and
  clasp 4:30+17 4:30-12 (7949-8028, length 80) form ekbalethnpaidiskhnkaitonyionaythsoygarmhklhronomhseioyiosthspaidiskhsmetatoyyioy
   matches LXX Genesis 21:10+16 21:10-8 (50108-50197, length 90) form ekbalethnpaidiskhntaythnkaitonyionaythsoygarklhronomhseioyiosthspaidiskhstaythsmetatoyyioy
    differing 14.61%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q196_22026 connects
 SBLGNT Galatians 5:14+35 5:14 (8944-8974) with
 LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942) based on
  introduction 5:14 5:14-31 (8909-8943) form ogarpasnomosenenilogvpeplhrvtaientv and
  clasp 5:14+35 5:14 (8944-8974, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
   matches LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q197_1271 connects
 SBLGNT Ephesians 2:17+20 2:17 (3409-3448) with
 LXX Isaiah 57:19 57:19-32 (115012-115049) based on
  introduction 2:17+8 2:17-40 (3397-3408) form eyhggelisato and
  clasp 2:17+20 2:17 (3409-3448, length 40) form eirhnhnymintoismakrankaieirhnhntoiseggys
   matches LXX Isaiah 57:19 57:19-32 (115012-115049, length 38) form eirhnhnepeirhnhntoismakrankaitoiseggys
    differing 15.38%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q198_261 connects
 SBLGNT Ephesians 4:8+8 4:8-3 (5805-5862) with
 LXX Psalms 68:18 68:18-52 (73397-73453) based on
  introduction 4:8 4:8-61 (5797-5804) form diolegei and
  clasp 4:8+8 4:8-3 (5805-5862, length 58) form anabaseisycoshxmalvteysenaixmalvsianedvkendomatatoisanurvp
   matches LXX Psalms 68:18 68:18-53 (73397-73452, length 56) form anebhseisycoshxmalvteysasaixmalvsianelabesdomataenanurvp
    differing 22.81%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q199_20072 connects
 SBLGNT Ephesians 5:31 (9798-9906) with
 LXX Genesis 2:24 (5486-5611) based on
  introduction 5:32 5:32 (9907-9968) form tomysthriontoytomegaestinegvdelegveisxristonkaieisthnekklhsian and
  clasp 5:31+4 5:31 (9802-9906, length 105) form toytoykataleiceianurvpostonpaterakaithnmhterakaiproskollhuhsetaithgynaikiaytoykaiesontaioidyoeissarkamian
   matches LXX Genesis 2:24+6 2:24 (5492-5611, length 120) form toytoykataleiceianurvpostonpateraaytoykaithnmhteraaytoykaiproskollhuhsetaiprosthngynaikaaytoykaiesontaioidyoeissarkamian
    differing 17.65%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q200_21032 connects
 SBLGNT Ephesians 6:2 6:3 (10116-10216) with
 LXX Exodus 20:12 20:12-35 (57204-57277) based on
  introduction 6:2+28 6:2 (10144-10174) form htisestinentolhprvthenepaggelia and
  clasp 6:2 6:2-31 (10116-10143, length 28) form timatonpaterasoykaithnmhtera
   matches LXX Exodus 20:12 20:12-81 (57204-57231, length 28) form timatonpaterasoykaithnmhtera
    verbatim and
  clasp 6:3 6:3 (10175-10216, length 42) form inaeysoigenhtaikaieshmakroxroniosepithsghs
   matches LXX Exodus 20:12+28 20:12-35 (57232-57277, length 46) form inaeysoigenhtaikaiinamakroxroniosgenhepithsghs
    differing 20.00%
  providing cover 69.31%.

Statement q201_24072 connects
 SBLGNT I_Timothy 5:18+14 5:18-30 (6292-6312) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 25:4 (75098-75118) based on
  introduction 5:18 5:18-51 (6278-6291) form legeigarhgrafh and
  clasp 5:18+14 5:18-30 (6292-6312, length 21) form boynalovntaoyfimvseis
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 25:4 (75098-75118, length 21) form oyfimvseisboynalovnta
    differing 5.00%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q202_23011 connects
 SBLGNT II_Timothy 2:19+57 2:19-46 (2810-2833) with
 LXX Numbers 16:5+66 16:5-78 (57251-57273) based on
  introduction 2:19 2:19-70 (2753-2809) form omentoistereosuemeliostoyueoyesthkenexvnthnsfragidataythn and
  clasp 2:19+57 2:19-46 (2810-2833, length 24) form egnvkyriostoysontasaytoy
   matches LXX Numbers 16:5+66 16:5-78 (57251-57273, length 23) form egnvoueostoysontasaytoy
    differing 21.74%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q203_22 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 1:5+26 1:5-53 (432-463) with
 LXX Psalms 2:7+44 2:7 (922-953) based on
  introduction 1:5 1:5-85 (406-431) form tinigareipenpotetvnaggelvn and
  clasp 1:5+26 1:5-53 (432-463, length 32) form yiosmoyeisyegvshmerongegennhkase
   matches LXX Psalms 2:7+44 2:7 (922-953, length 32) form yiosmoyeisyegvshmerongegennhkase
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q204_41011 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 1:5+66 1:5 (472-516) with
 LXX II_Samuel 7:14 7:14-71 (20344-20388) based on
  introduction 1:5+58 1:5-45 (464-471) form kaipalin and
  clasp 1:5+66 1:5 (472-516, length 45) form egvesomaiaytveispaterakaiaytosestaimoieisyion
   matches LXX II_Samuel 7:14 7:14-71 (20344-20388, length 45) form egvesomaiaytveispaterakaiaytosestaimoieisyion
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q205_24052 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 1:6+53 1:6 (570-608) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 32:43+24 32:43-135 (103422-103524) based on
  introduction 1:6 1:6-39 (517-569) form otandepalineisagaghtonprvtotokoneisthnoikoymenhnlegei and
  clasp 1:6+53 1:6-11 (570-597, length 28) form kaiproskynhsatvsanaytvpantes
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 32:43+24 32:43-210 (103422-103449, length 28) form kaiproskynhsatvsanaytvpantes
    verbatim and
  clasp 1:6+71 1:6 (588-608, length 21) form aytvpantesaggeloiueoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 32:43+106 32:43-135 (103504-103524, length 21) form aytvpantesaggeloiueoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q206_381 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 1:7+27 1:7 (636-699) with
 LXX Psalms 104:4 (119059-119121) based on
  introduction 1:7 1:7-64 (609-635) form kaiprosmentoysaggeloyslegei and
  clasp 1:7+27 1:7 (636-699, length 64) form opoivntoysaggeloysaytoypneymatakaitoysleitoyrgoysaytoypyrosfloga
   matches LXX Psalms 104:4 (119059-119121, length 63) form opoivntoysaggeloysaytoypneymatakaitoysleitoyrgoysaytoypyrflegon
    differing 9.52%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q207_241 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 1:8+13 1:9 (713-893) with
 LXX Psalms 45:6 45:7 (50077-50251) based on
  introduction 1:8 1:8-78 (700-712) form prosdetonyion and
  clasp 1:8+13 1:9 (713-893, length 181) form ouronossoyoueoseistonaivnatoyaivnoskaihrabdosthseyuythtosrabdosthsbasileiassoyhgaphsasdikaiosynhnkaiemishsasanomiandiatoytoexrisenseoueosoueossoyelaionagalliasevsparatoysmetoxoyssoy
   matches LXX Psalms 45:6 45:7 (50077-50251, length 175) form ouronossoyoueoseistonaivnatoyaivnosrabdoseyuythtoshrabdosthsbasileiassoyhgaphsasdikaiosynhnkaiemishsasanomiandiatoytoexrisenseoueosoueossoyelaionagalliasevsparatoysmetoxoyssoy
    differing 3.89%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q208_371 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 1:10+3 1:12 (897-1113) with
 LXX Psalms 102:25 102:27 (117051-117259) based on
  introduction 1:10 1:10-65 (894-896) form kai and
  clasp 1:10+3 1:12 (897-1113, length 217) form sykatarxaskyriethnghneuemelivsaskaiergatvnxeirvnsoyeisinoioyranoiaytoiapoloyntaisydediameneiskaipantesvsimationpalaivuhsontaikaivseiperibolaionelijeisaytoysvsimationkaiallaghsontaisydeoaytoseikaitaethsoyoykekleicoysin
   matches LXX Psalms 102:25 102:27 (117051-117259, length 209) form katarxassykyriethnghneuemelivsaskaiergatvnxeirvnsoyeisinoioyranoiaytoiapoloyntaisydediameneiskaipantesvsimationpalaivuhsontaikaivseiperibolaionallajeisaytoyskaiallaghsontaisydeoaytoseikaitaethsoyoykekleicoysin
    differing 6.48%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q209_403 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 1:13+31 1:13 (1145-1201) with
 LXX Psalms 110:1+35 110:1 (132507-132563) based on
  introduction 1:13 1:13-57 (1114-1144) form prostinadetvnaggelvneirhkenpote and
  clasp 1:13+31 1:13 (1145-1201, length 57) form kauoyekdejivnmoyevsanuvtoysexuroyssoyypopodiontvnpodvnsoy
   matches LXX Psalms 110:1+35 110:1 (132507-132563, length 57) form kauoyekdejivnmoyevsanuvtoysexuroyssoyypopodiontvnpodvnsoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q210_81 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 2:6+25 2:8-86 (1770-1922) with
 LXX Psalms 8:4 8:6 (5767-5958) based on
  introduction 2:6 2:6-61 (1745-1769) form diemartyratodepoytislegvn and
  clasp 2:6+25 2:7 (1770-1889, length 120) form tiestinanurvposotimimnhskhaytoyhyiosanurvpoyotiepiskepthaytonhlattvsasaytonbraxytiparaggeloysdojhkaitimhestefanvsasayton
   matches LXX Psalms 8:4 8:5 (5767-5886, length 120) form tiestinanurvposotimimnhskhaytoyhyiosanurvpoyotiepiskepthaytonhlattvsasaytonbraxytiparaggeloysdojhkaitimhestefanvsasayton
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:8 2:8-86 (1890-1922, length 33) form pantaypetajasypokatvtvnpodvnaytoy
   matches LXX Psalms 8:6+39 8:6 (5926-5958, length 33) form pantaypetajasypokatvtvnpodvnaytoy
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q211_151 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 2:12+13 2:12 (2353-2400) with
 LXX Psalms 22:22+10 22:22 (21617-21664) based on
  introduction 2:12 2:12-56 (2340-2344) form legvn and
  clasp 2:12+13 2:12 (2353-2400, length 48) form toonomasoytoisadelfoismoyenmesvekklhsiasymnhsvse
   matches LXX Psalms 22:22+10 22:22 (21617-21664, length 48) form toonomasoytoisadelfoismoyenmesvekklhsiasymnhsvse
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q212_1281 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 2:13+11 2:13 (2412-2472) with
 LXX Isaiah 8:17+67 8:18-78 (17111-17163) based on
  introduction 2:13 2:13-64 (2401-2408) form kaipalin and
  introduction 2:13+31 2:13-33 (2432-2439) form kaipalin and
  clasp 2:13+11 2:13-41 (2412-2431, length 20) form esomaipepoiuvsepaytv
   matches LXX Isaiah 8:17+67 8:17 (17111-17130, length 20) form pepoiuvsesomaiepaytv
    differing 5.26% and
  clasp 2:13+39 2:13 (2440-2472, length 33) form idoyegvkaitapaidiaamoiedvkenoueos
   matches LXX Isaiah 8:18 8:18-78 (17131-17163, length 33) form idoyegvkaitapaidiaamoiedvkenoueos
  providing cover 86.89%.

Statement q213_361 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 3:7+28 4:7 (3418-5057) with
 LXX Psalms 95:7+65 95:11 (110945-111252) based on
  introduction 3:7 3:7-31 (3390-3417) form diokauvslegeitopneymatoagion and
  clasp 3:7+28 3:11 (3418-3726, length 309) form shmeroneanthsfvnhsaytoyakoyshtemhsklhrynhtetaskardiasymvnvsentvparapikrasmvkatathnhmerantoypeirasmoyentherhmvoyepeirasanoipateresymvnendokimasiakaieidontaergamoytesserakontaethdioprosvxuisathgeneataythkaieiponaeiplanvntaithkardiaaytoideoykegnvsantasodoysmoyvsvmosaenthorghmoyeieiseleysontaieisthnkatapaysinmoy
   matches LXX Psalms 95:7+65 95:11 (110945-111252, length 308) form shmeroneanthsfvnhsaytoyakoyshtemhsklhrynhtetaskardiasymvnvsentvparapikrasmvkatathnhmerantoypeirasmoyentherhmvoyepeirasanoipateresymvnedokimasankaieidosantaergamoytessarakontaethprosvxuisathgeneaekeinhkaieipaaeiplanvntaithkardiakaiaytoioykegnvsantasodoysmoyvsvmosaenthorghmoyeieiseleysontaieisthnkatapaysinmoy
    differing 6.49% and
  clasp 3:15+12 3:15 (4005-4079, length 75) form shmeroneanthsfvnhsaytoyakoyshtemhsklhrynhtetaskardiasymvnvsentvparapikrasmv
   matches LXX Psalms 95:7+65 95:8-34 (110945-111019, length 75) form shmeroneanthsfvnhsaytoyakoyshtemhsklhrynhtetaskardiasymvnvsentvparapikrasmv
    verbatim and
  clasp 3:18+15 3:18-24 (4243-4271, length 29) form eiseleysesuaieisthnkatapaysin
   matches LXX Psalms 95:11+20 95:11-3 (111221-111249, length 29) form eiseleysontaieisthnkatapaysin
    differing 14.29% and
  clasp 4:3+53 4:3-42 (4606-4657, length 52) form vsvmosaenthorghmoyeieiseleysontaieisthnkatapaysinmoy
   matches LXX Psalms 95:11 (111201-111252, length 52) form vsvmosaenthorghmoyeieiseleysontaieisthnkatapaysinmoy
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:5+15 4:5 (4804-4837, length 34) form eieiseleysontaieisthnkatapaysinmoy
   matches LXX Psalms 95:11+18 95:11 (111219-111252, length 34) form eieiseleysontaieisthnkatapaysinmoy
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:7+73 4:7 (5001-5057, length 57) form shmeroneanthsfvnhsaytoyakoyshtemhsklhrynhtetaskardiasymvn
   matches LXX Psalms 95:7+65 95:8-52 (110945-111001, length 57) form shmeroneanthsfvnhsaytoyakoyshtemhsklhrynhtetaskardiasymvn
  providing cover 33.90%.

Statement q214_20121 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 4:4+32 4:4 (4732-4788) with
 LXX Genesis 2:2+54 2:2-10 (3422-3471) based on
  introduction 4:4 4:4-57 (4700-4731) form eirhkengarpoyperithsebdomhsoytvs and
  clasp 4:4+32 4:4 (4732-4788, length 57) form kaikatepaysenoueosenthhmerathebdomhapopantvntvnergvnaytoy
   matches LXX Genesis 2:2+54 2:2-10 (3422-3471, length 50) form kaikatepaysenthhmerathebdomhapopantvntvnergvnaytoy
    differing 12.50%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q215_411 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 5:6+20 5:6 (6335-6375) with
 LXX Psalms 110:4+32 110:4 (132758-132800) based on
  introduction 5:6 5:6-41 (6315-6334) form kauvskaienetervlegei and
  clasp 5:6+20 5:6 (6335-6375, length 41) form syiereyseistonaivnakatathntajinmelxisedek
   matches LXX Psalms 110:4+32 110:4 (132758-132800, length 43) form syeiiereyseistonaivnakatathntajinmelxisedek
    differing 7.14%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q216_20131 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 6:14+7 6:14-2 (8206-8243) with
 LXX Genesis 22:17+1 22:17-121 (54247-54284) based on
  introduction 6:13 6:14-42 (8121-8203) form tvgarabraamepaggeilamenosoueosepeikatoydenoseixenmeiqonosomosaivmosenkaueaytoylegvn and
  clasp 6:14+7 6:14-2 (8206-8243, length 38) form mhneylogvneyloghsvsekaiplhuynvnplhuynv
   matches LXX Genesis 22:17+1 22:17-121 (54247-54284, length 38) form mhneylogvneyloghsvsekaiplhuynvnplhuynv
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q217_20141 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 7:1+9 7:2-100 (8780-8913) with
 LXX Genesis 14:17+62 14:20 (33237-33584) based on
  introduction 7:1 7:1-115 (8771-8778) form oytosgar and
  clasp 7:1+9 7:1-91 (8780-8802, length 23) form melxisedekbasileyssalhm
   matches LXX Genesis 14:18+3 14:18-50 (33334-33356, length 23) form melxisedekbasileyssalhm
    verbatim and
  clasp 7:1+32 7:1-68 (8803-8825, length 23) form iereystoyueoytoyycistoy
   matches LXX Genesis 14:18+53 14:18 (33384-33406, length 23) form iereystoyueoytoyycistoy
    verbatim and
  clasp 7:1+84 7:1-27 (8855-8866, length 12) form apothskophst
   matches LXX Genesis 14:17+62 14:17-82 (33237-33248, length 12) form apothskophst
    verbatim and
  clasp 7:2+4 7:2-100 (8898-8913, length 16) form dekathnapopantvn
   matches LXX Genesis 14:20+77 14:20 (33569-33584, length 16) form dekathnapopantvn
  providing cover 55.22%.

Statement q218_21081 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 8:5+108 8:5 (11600-11647) with
 LXX Exodus 25:40+3 25:40 (73201-73245) based on
  introduction 8:5 8:5-59 (11492-11588) form oitinesypodeigmatikaiskialatreyoysintvnepoyranivnkauvskexrhmatistaimvyshsmellvnepiteleinthnskhnhn and
  introduction 8:5+100 8:5-48 (11592-11599) form garfhsin and
  clasp 8:5+97 8:5-56 (11589-11591, length 3) form ora
   matches LXX Exodus 25:40 25:40-45 (73198-73200, length 3) form ora
    verbatim and
  clasp 8:5+108 8:5 (11600-11647, length 48) form poihseispantakatatontypontondeixuentasoientvorei
   matches LXX Exodus 25:40+3 25:40 (73201-73245, length 45) form poihseiskatatontypontondedeigmenonsoientvorei
    differing 25.53%
  providing cover 86.44%.

Statement q219_2021 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 8:8+24 8:12 (11838-12469) with
 LXX Jeremiah 31:31 31:34 (81810-82444) based on
  introduction 8:8 8:8-91 (11814-11837) form memfomenosgaraytoyslegei and
  clasp 8:8+24 8:12 (11838-12469, length 632) form idoyhmeraierxontailegeikyrioskaisyntelesvepitonoikonisrahlkaiepitonoikonioydadiauhkhnkainhnoykatathndiauhkhnhnepoihsatoispatrasinaytvnenhmeraepilabomenoymoythsxeirosaytvnejagageinaytoysekghsaigyptoyotiaytoioykenemeinanenthdiauhkhmoykagvhmelhsaaytvnlegeikyriosotiaythhdiauhkhhndiauhsomaitvoikvisrahlmetatashmerasekeinaslegeikyriosdidoysnomoysmoyeisthndianoianaytvnkaiepikardiasaytvnepigracvaytoyskaiesomaiaytoiseisueonkaiaytoiesontaimoieislaonkaioymhdidajvsinekastostonpolithnaytoykaiekastostonadelfonaytoylegvngnvuitonkyrionotipanteseidhsoysinmeapomikroyevsmegaloyaytvnotiilevsesomaitaisadikiaisaytvnkaitvnamartivnaytvnoymhmnhsuveti
   matches LXX Jeremiah 31:31 31:34 (81810-82444, length 635) form idoyhmeraierxontaifhsinkyrioskaidiauhsomaitvoikvisrahlkaitvoikvioydadiauhkhnkainhnoykatathndiauhkhnhndieuemhntoispatrasinaytvnenhmeraepilabomenoymoythsxeirosaytvnejagageinaytoysekghsaigyptoyotiaytoioykenemeinanenthdiauhkhmoykaiegvhmelhsaaytvnfhsinkyriosotiaythhdiauhkhhndiauhsomaitvoikvisrahlmetatashmerasekeinasfhsinkyriosdidoysdvsvnomoysmoyeisthndianoianaytvnkaiepikardiasaytvngracvaytoyskaiesomaiaytoiseisueonkaiaytoiesontaimoieislaonkaioymhdidajvsinekastostonpolithnaytoykaiekastostonadelfonaytoylegvngnvuitonkyrionotipanteseidhsoysinmeapomikroyaytvnkaievsmegaloyaytvnotiilevsesomaitaisadikiaisaytvnkaitvnamartivnaytvnoymhmnhsuveti
    differing 9.15%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q220_21091 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 9:20+10 9:20-5 (14396-14432) with
 LXX Exodus 24:8+50 24:8-24 (68770-68809) based on
  introduction 9:19 9:20-47 (14234-14390) form lalhueishsgarpashsentolhskatatonnomonypomvysevspantitvlavlabvntoaimatvnmosxvnmetaydatoskaierioykokkinoykaiyssvpoyaytotetobiblionkaipantatonlaonerantisenlegvn and
  clasp 9:20+5 9:20-42 (14391-14395, length 5) form toyto
   matches LXX Exodus 24:8+108 24:8 (68828-68833, length 6) form toytvn
    differing 40.00% and
  clasp 9:20+10 9:20-23 (14396-14414, length 19) form toaimathsdiauhkhshs
   matches LXX Exodus 24:8+50 24:8-45 (68770-68788, length 19) form toaimathsdiauhkhshs
    verbatim and
  clasp 9:20+39 9:20-5 (14425-14432, length 8) form prosymas
   matches LXX Exodus 24:8+82 24:8-24 (68802-68809, length 8) form prosymas
  providing cover 76.19%.

Statement q221_211 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 10:5+32 10:7 (15590-15751) with
 LXX Psalms 40:6 40:8-45 (44126-44282) based on
  introduction 10:5 10:5-47 (15558-15589) form dioeiserxomenoseistonkosmonlegei and
  clasp 10:5+32 10:7 (15590-15751, length 162) form uysiankaiprosforanoykhuelhsassvmadekathrtisvmoiolokaytvmatakaiperiamartiasoykeydokhsastoteeiponidoyhkvenkefalidibiblioygegraptaiperiemoytoypoihsaioueostouelhmasoy
   matches LXX Psalms 40:6 40:8-45 (44126-44282, length 157) form uysiankaiprosforanoykhuelhsasvtiadekathrtisvmoiolokaytvmakaiperiamartiasoykhthsastoteeiponidoyhkvenkefalidibiblioygegraptaiperiemoytoypoihsaitouelhmasoyoueos
    differing 7.45%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q222_24042 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 10:30+24 10:30 (17522-17575) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 32:35+7 32:36-102 (102578-102697) based on
  introduction 10:30 10:30-58 (17498-17517) form oidamengartoneiponta and
  introduction 10:30+46 10:30-24 (17544-17551) form kaipalin and
  clasp 10:30+24 10:30-45 (17522-17530, length 9) form ekdikhsis
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 32:35+7 32:35-83 (102578-102587, length 10) form ekdikhsevs
    differing 33.33% and
  clasp 10:30+36 10:30-32 (17534-17543, length 10) form antapodvsv
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 32:35+17 32:35-73 (102588-102597, length 10) form antapodvsv
    verbatim and
  clasp 10:30+54 10:30 (17552-17575, length 24) form krineikyriostonlaonaytoy
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 32:36+3 32:36-102 (102674-102697, length 24) form krineikyriostonlaonaytoy
  providing cover 79.63%.

Statement q223_1291 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 10:37+6 10:38 (18052-18163) with
 LXX Isaiah 26:20+66 26:20-23 (49503-49516) and
 LXX Habakkuk 2:3+84 2:4 (2061-2155) based on
  introduction 10:37 10:37-41 (18046-18051) form etigar and
  clasp 10:37+6 10:37-27 (18052-18065, length 14) form mikronosonoson
   matches LXX Isaiah 26:20+66 26:20-23 (49503-49516, length 14) form mikronosonoson
    verbatim and
  clasp 10:37+21 10:38 (18067-18163, length 97) form erxomenoshjeikaioyxroniseiodedikaiosmoyekpistevsqhsetaikaieanyposteilhtaioykeydokeihcyxhmoyenaytv
   matches LXX Habakkuk 2:3+84 2:4 (2061-2155, length 95) form erxomenoshjeikaioymhxronisheanyposteilhtaioykeydokeihcyxhmoyenaytvodedikaiosekpistevsmoyqhsetai
    differing 9.38%
  providing cover 99.11%.

Statement q224_20042 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 11:18+13 11:18 (19955-19983) with
 LXX Genesis 21:12+124 21:12 (50386-50414) based on
  introduction 11:18 11:18-29 (19942-19954) form prosonelalhuh and
  clasp 11:18+13 11:18 (19955-19983, length 29) form otienisaakklhuhsetaisoisperma
   matches LXX Genesis 21:12+124 21:12 (50386-50414, length 29) form otienisaakklhuhsetaisoisperma
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q225_31021 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 12:5+51 12:6 (22335-22448) with
 LXX Proverbs 3:11 3:12 (4273-4383) based on
  introduction 12:5 12:5-58 (22284-22334) form kaieklelhsuethsparaklhsevshtisyminvsyioisdialegetai and
  clasp 12:5+51 12:6 (22335-22448, length 114) form yiemoymholigvreipaideiaskyrioymhdeeklyoyypaytoyelegxomenosongaragapakyriospaideyeimastigoidepantayiononparadexetai
   matches LXX Proverbs 3:11 3:12 (4273-4383, length 111) form yiemholigvreipaideiaskyrioymhdeeklyoyypaytoyelegxomenosongaragapakyriospaideyeimastigoidepantayiononparadexetai
    differing 2.65%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q226_24131 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 12:21+41 12:21-11 (23651-23661) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 9:19+3 9:19-102 (32201-32211) based on
  introduction 12:21 12:21-22 (23610-23650) form kaioytvfoberonhntofantaqomenonmvyshseipen and
  clasp 12:21+41 12:21-11 (23651-23661, length 11) form ekfoboseimi
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 9:19+3 9:19-102 (32201-32211, length 11) form ekfoboseimi
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q227_12011 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 12:26+46 12:26 (24105-24149) with
 LXX Haggai 2:6+31 2:6-25 (2323-2356) based on
  introduction 12:26 12:26-45 (24059-24104) form oyhfvnhthnghnesaleysentotenyndeephggeltailegvn and
  clasp 12:26+46 12:26-30 (24105-24119, length 15) form etiapajegvseisv
   matches LXX Haggai 2:6+31 2:6-44 (2323-2337, length 15) form etiapajegvseisv
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:26+68 12:26-17 (24127-24132, length 6) form thnghn
   matches LXX Haggai 2:6+59 2:6-25 (2351-2356, length 6) form thnghn
    verbatim and
  clasp 12:26+81 12:26 (24140-24149, length 10) form tonoyranon
   matches LXX Haggai 2:6+46 2:6-34 (2338-2347, length 10) form tonoyranon
  providing cover 68.89%.

Statement q228_24141 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 13:5+55 13:5 (24632-24659) with
 LXX Deuteronomy 31:6+105 31:6 (96098-96124) based on
  introduction 13:5 13:5-28 (24577-24631) form afilargyrosotroposarkoymenoitoisparoysinaytosgareirhken and
  clasp 13:5+55 13:5 (24632-24659, length 28) form oymhseanvoydoymhseegkatalipv
   matches LXX Deuteronomy 31:6+105 31:6 (96098-96124, length 27) form oymhseanhoytemhseegkataliph
    differing 25.93%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q229_451 connects
 SBLGNT Hebrews 13:6+24 13:6 (24684-24732) with
 LXX Psalms 118:6 (137638-137686) based on
  introduction 13:6 13:6-49 (24660-24683) form vsteuarroyntashmaslegein and
  clasp 13:6+24 13:6 (24684-24732, length 49) form kyriosemoibohuosoyfobhuhsomaitipoihseimoianurvpos
   matches LXX Psalms 118:6 (137638-137686, length 49) form kyriosemoibohuosoyfobhuhsomaitipoihseimoianurvpos
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q230_22023 connects
 SBLGNT James 2:8+42 2:8-12 (2835-2865) with
 LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942) based on
  introduction 2:8 2:8-43 (2793-2834) form eimentoinomonteleitebasilikonkatathngrafhn and
  clasp 2:8+42 2:8-12 (2835-2865, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
   matches LXX Leviticus 19:18+57 19:18-13 (60912-60942, length 31) form agaphseistonplhsionsoyvsseayton
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q231_21036 connects
 SBLGNT James 2:11+9 2:11-46 (3015-3043) with
 LXX Exodus 20:13 20:14 (57313-57335) based on
  introduction 2:11 2:11-75 (3006-3014) form ogareipvn and
  introduction 2:11+20 2:11-56 (3026-3033) form eipenkai and
  clasp 2:11+9 2:11-64 (3015-3025, length 11) form mhmoixeyshs
   matches LXX Exodus 20:14 20:14 (57324-57335, length 12) form oymoixeyseis
    differing 45.45% and
  clasp 2:11+28 2:11-46 (3034-3043, length 10) form mhfoneyshs
   matches LXX Exodus 20:13 20:13 (57313-57323, length 11) form oyfoneyseis
    differing 50.00%
  providing cover 72.41%.

Statement q232_20013 connects
 SBLGNT James 2:23+25 2:23-18 (3908-3959) with
 LXX Genesis 15:6+3 15:6 (34459-34507) based on
  introduction 2:23 2:23-70 (3883-3907) form kaieplhrvuhhgrafhhlegoysa and
  clasp 2:23+25 2:23-18 (3908-3959, length 52) form episteysendeabraamtvuevkaielogisuhaytveisdikaiosynhn
   matches LXX Genesis 15:6+3 15:6 (34459-34507, length 49) form episteysenabramtvuevkaielogisuhaytveisdikaiosynhn
    differing 7.84%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q233_31031 connects
 SBLGNT James 4:6+30 4:6 (6151-6200) with
 LXX Proverbs 3:34 (5750-5801) based on
  introduction 4:6 4:6-50 (6121-6150) form meiqonadedidvsinxarindiolegeio and
  clasp 4:6+30 4:6 (6151-6200, length 50) form ueosyperhfanoisantitassetaitapeinoisdedidvsinxarin
   matches LXX Proverbs 3:34 (5750-5801, length 52) form kyriosyperhfanoisantitassetaitapeinoisdedidvsinxarin
    differing 7.84%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q234_22051 connects
 SBLGNT I_Peter 1:16+17 1:16 (1440-1461) with
 LXX Leviticus 19:2+48 19:2-15 (59515-59536) based on
  introduction 1:16 1:16-22 (1423-1439) form diotigegraptaioti and
  clasp 1:16+17 1:16 (1440-1461, length 22) form agioiesesueotiegvagios
   matches LXX Leviticus 19:2+48 19:2-15 (59515-59536, length 22) form agioiesesueotiegvagios
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q235_1301 connects
 SBLGNT I_Peter 1:24+5 1:25-39 (2055-2162) with
 LXX Isaiah 40:6+32 40:8 (78487-78600) based on
  introduction 1:24 1:24-78 (2050-2054) form dioti and
  clasp 1:24+5 1:25-39 (2055-2162, length 108) form pasasarjvsxortoskaipasadojaaythsvsanuosxortoyejhranuhoxortoskaitoanuosejepesentoderhmakyrioymeneieistonaivna
   matches LXX Isaiah 40:6+32 40:8 (78487-78600, length 114) form pasasarjxortoskaipasadojaanurvpoyvsanuosxortoyejhranuhoxortoskaitoanuosejepesentoderhmatoyueoyhmvnmeneieistonaivna
    differing 17.70%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q236_1073 connects
 SBLGNT I_Peter 2:6+20 2:6 (2611-2691) with
 LXX Isaiah 28:16+24 28:16 (52716-52834) based on
  introduction 2:6 2:6-81 (2591-2610) form diotiperiexeiengrafh and
  clasp 2:6+20 2:6-77 (2611-2614, length 4) form idoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:16+24 28:16-115 (52716-52719, length 4) form idoy
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:6+32 2:6-60 (2623-2631, length 9) form sivnliuon
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:16+49 28:16-85 (52741-52749, length 9) form sivnliuon
    verbatim and
  clasp 2:6+41 2:6-33 (2632-2658, length 27) form akrogvniaioneklektonentimon
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:16+66 28:16-50 (52758-52784, length 27) form eklektonakrogvniaionentimon
    differing 3.85% and
  clasp 2:6+68 2:6 (2659-2691, length 33) form kaiopisteyvnepaytvoymhkataisxynuh
   matches LXX Isaiah 28:16+110 28:16 (52802-52834, length 33) form kaiopisteyvnepaytvoymhkataisxynuh
  providing cover 90.12%.

Statement q237_464 connects
 SBLGNT I_Peter 2:7+39 2:7 (2731-2792) with
 LXX Psalms 118:22 (138495-138556) based on
  introduction 2:7+27 2:7-62 (2719-2730) form apistoysinde and
  clasp 2:7+39 2:7 (2731-2792, length 62) form liuosonapedokimasanoioikodomoyntesoytosegenhuheiskefalhngvnias
   matches LXX Psalms 118:22 (138495-138556, length 62) form liuononapedokimasanoioikodomoyntesoytosegenhuheiskefalhngvnias
    differing 3.28%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q238_1321 connects
 SBLGNT I_Peter 2:22+7 2:22 (4031-4075) with
 LXX Isaiah 53:9+78 53:9 (108358-108402) based on
  introduction 2:21+50 2:21 (3970-4023) form ypolimpanvnypogrammoninaepakoloyuhshtetoisixnesinaytoy and
  clasp 2:22 2:22 (4024-4075, length 52) form osamartianoykepoihsenoydeeyreuhdolosentvstomatiaytoy
   matches LXX Isaiah 53:9+71 53:9 (108351-108402, length 52) form otianomianoykepoihsenoydeeyreuhdolosentvstomatiaytoy
    differing 11.76%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q239_201 connects
 SBLGNT I_Peter 3:10+4 3:12 (5210-5445) with
 LXX Psalms 34:12+17 34:16-37 (34529-34757) based on
  introduction 3:10 3:10-85 (5206-5209) form ogar and
  clasp 3:10+4 3:12 (5210-5445, length 236) form uelvnqvhnagapankaiideinhmerasagauaspaysatvthnglvssanapokakoykaixeilhtoymhlalhsaidolonekklinatvdeapokakoykaipoihsatvagauonqhthsatveirhnhnkaidivjatvaythnotiofualmoikyrioyepidikaioyskaivtaaytoyeisdehsinaytvnprosvpondekyrioyepipoioyntaskaka
   matches LXX Psalms 34:12+17 34:16-37 (34529-34757, length 229) form uelvnqvhnagapvnhmerasideinagauaspaysonthnglvssansoyapokakoykaixeilhsoytoymhlalhsaidolonekklinonapokakoykaipoihsonagauonqhthsoneirhnhnkaidivjonaythnofualmoikyrioyepidikaioyskaivtaaytoyeisdehsinaytvnprosvpondekyrioyepipoioyntaskaka
    differing 13.62%
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q240_31051 connects
 SBLGNT I_Peter 4:18+3 4:18 (7755-7806) with
 LXX Proverbs 11:31 11:31 (20512-20566) based on
  introduction 4:18 4:18-52 (7752-7754) form kai and
  clasp 4:18+3 4:18-49 (7755-7757, length 3) form eio
   matches LXX Proverbs 11:31 11:31-52 (20512-20514, length 3) form eio
    verbatim and
  clasp 4:18+6 4:18 (7758-7806, length 49) form dikaiosmolissvqetaioasebhskaiamartvlospoyfaneitai
   matches LXX Proverbs 11:31+6 11:31 (20518-20566, length 49) form dikaiosmolissvqetaioasebhskaiamartvlospoyfaneitai
  providing cover 100.00%.

Statement q241_31032 connects
 SBLGNT I_Peter 5:5+85 5:5 (8329-8378) with
 LXX Proverbs 3:34 (5750-5801) based on
  introduction 5:5+35 5:5-50 (8279-8328) form pantesdeallhloisthntapeinofrosynhnegkombvsasueotio and
  clasp 5:5+85 5:5 (8329-8378, length 50) form ueosyperhfanoisantitassetaitapeinoisdedidvsinxarin
   matches LXX Proverbs 3:34 (5750-5801, length 52) form kyriosyperhfanoisantitassetaitapeinoisdedidvsinxarin
    differing 7.84%
  providing cover 100.00%.